I've heard a lot of cruisingforsex bashing lately, online and from some fellow cruisers I talk with occasionally. They seem to think that CFS has made some cruising venues so popular that police are forced by angry home owners to clean up their neighborhoods.
Some guys think police go online and use cruisingforsex.com to find out where the queers are looking for sex. That may be true but I think people that live near a cruisy area are the driving force that get police involved. Some of the best cruise spots in the Atlanta, that were cruisy for years, are now dead as hell. The critics of CFS say that the "advertising" of such places made them TOO popular, while cruise areas never mentioned here are as cruisy as ever. What's going on here might not be true in other areas. I know where to cruise and most of the places I cruise are never mentioned here. I'll use CFS if I'm going out of state. Is too much of a good thing a bad thing? Has cruisingforsex.com made some places so cruisy that a crack down was inevitable?
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I have a buddy (yes, we know each other "biblically!") that is a deputy sheriff in a larger county in Ohio that has told me to stay away from certain locations posted on CFS. He says that the "department" monitors this site and a couple of others online (all in the name of "catching child molesters").......he specifically named a location nearby and sure enough.......two weeks after his mentioning the location to me, a big bust happened, all the local TV stations covered it with "live cams" and 27 men were arrested. Then the local sheriff stated that this particular location had been highlighted as a "cruising spot of the week" online. Now, it is my understanding that CFS is the only site that has this particular feature.
I never frequent those places listed on CFS......there is too much "familiarity" with CFS listed sites and police entrapment busts.
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Most of us have bookmarked the home page of CFS and we jump right to that instead of looking at the general disclaimer page. That page, if I remember correctly, instructs law enforcement that they are not "allowed" to use this site. But of course... we all know that doesn't stop them. Most of us have seen CFS splashed on our local news every time a cruise area is busted.
Personally, I'd blame the idiots who post LOCATIONS of public places that are risky -- or those who post suggestions for NEW locations that are in close proximity to residential areas or community gathering spots like parks and beaches where everyone is welcome to come and bring their family. Lots of times on CFS we get dudes trying to spark interest in a new place. In my experience, these attempts always fail. I've gone to a few suggested spots and was horrified to see they were located near a playground or smack in the middle of a residential area or something. One look and I could tell these places would NEVER become cruisy -- and clearly, anyone else who scoped them out would see the same. Seems to me that the cops generally leave the bookstores alone, with certain exceptions. A bookstore actually opened up here in town recently -- gloryholes and booths and everything. I was amazed to hear of this. But I was NOT surprised to find out the cops were busted everyone who went in there. NOTHING happens here anymore. It EXISTS, but that's it. I will NOT set foot in that place. This town needs several more years and many more bookstores to establish themselves before the cops would leave them be. Most of the time, based on my own experience, cops ignore the bookstores and bathhouses because these places keep dudes from cruising the streets and other, more public areas. ABS booths are GENERALLY safe most of the time, as are bathhouses which tend to enforce security measures and restrict access to members who sign a form stating they are aware of the nature of the establishment. This cannot keep vice away for sure, but it DOES help. But when dudes start being obnoxious about cruising in public places, outdoors, in view of citizens who don't want to encounter that kind of stuff -- the cops react. Sometimes the cops know what is going on simply from their own observations. Sometimes they get complaints. Remember, WE can pick out cruisy areas with relative ease -- cops are taught what to look for, too. Suspicious activity is easy to spot... Cops DO tend to raid open theaters playing XXX porn -- think Pee Wee Herman, that kind of thing. But booths and baths and private places... generally they are left alone, so I don't see much harm in posting reviews of these well-known places. But posting our "secret" outdoor spots... yeah, that's just dumb. The intent of CFS, of course, is to promote sexual freedom, but at the same time, the site has always provided us with the proper cautionary advice. The things is -- many dudes don't bother to READ any of that. Adults posting sexual requests to other adults -- well, there really isn't any good chance that the cops are going to bother with that, answering a post and showing up to bust some dude in his own home for wanting male to male sex with another consenting adult. This is a court case just waiting to be LOST. Screening message boards for pedophiles -- I have no problem with that, though I do believe the general societal consensus these days vastly overstates the online pedophile problem. Yet at the same time... ONE pedophile is enough, right? I think there IS a connection between frequent busts and closures of cruising places due to sites like CFS and others. But I also believe that even if these sites did not exist, we'd STILL be seeing a massive crackdown at this time. I mean... if "they" can clean up Times Square... is NOTHING sacred anymore? The push to sanitize cities and towns is a big deal right now... and it's very sad, if you ask me. For those who haven't noticed, there is an unspoken "war" against queers going on these days. The "war on drugs" has been all but forgotten, having failed miserably. The "war on terror" is now "the fight against global extremism," or whatever new name the Bush administration has put on it for a more positive spin. But nary a day goes by that we don't hear SOMETHING about gays on the news. NO ONE will admit that the cultural divide is getting worse -- but it is. "The Fab Five" and "Will And Grace" haven't done much to change the minds of those who despise us. I sure can't imagine a gay-basher or homophobe suddenly starting to become "understanding" because he is amused by the flaming antics of a character like Jack McFarland, right? Or changing his mind to think we might not be so bad after all because we know how to decorate a messy room and pick out decent clothes... There are only two groups left that are immune from the mandates of political correctness: gays and fat people. It is STILL OK to make fun of those two groups. And the fat people are making bigger strides than we are lately, too! So... nah, I think the push toward "cleaner" cities and towns would be in full force even WITHOUT sites like CFS. HOWEVER... since we KNOW what is going on, WE should be smarter than to give out all our secrets online! All we are doing is making their job EASIER for them. Probably they'd find our cruising areas no matter what -- but if we'd just SHUT UP about them, we would avoid drawing undo attention!
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That warning on the lead page that law enforcement are not allowed is worthless. No more effective than a drug dealer posting a sign on his front door "If you're a cop, you can't buy drugs from me". I had a discussion with Keith on this issue several years ago, to no avail. The Supreme Court has said time and time again that a cop can say "no" if he is asked "are you a cop?". Jesus, don't you think every drug dealer asks that question?
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Anyone with half a brain knows the CFS disclaimer isn't going to keep cops away... it's just there, in my opinion, to let them know they are not WELCOME.
What did you discuss with Keith? I mean... you said your discussion was "to no avail." What did you want him to do? What do you expect? Fact is -- nothing can be done about this from the administrative end of things. The only thing that can be done is for those of us with a bit of brains to NOT publicly post cruise locations. Hell, cruise spots are shut down regularly all over the country -- even areas that are NOT posted here. Most of the time, this is the result of our own indiscretion. Maybe I'm mistaken, but it seems as if you want the webmaster here to DO something that will change the nature of cruising nationwide. That's not going to happen. Of course, I suppose Keith could start CHARGING for the site in order to potentially limit law enforcement from logging on -- but I don't think any of us want THAT. And besides... police departments have access to Visa cards... so it's a lose-lose proposition.
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Indy and Scruff are both right here.
Yes, as Indy says, the warning here doesn't mean shit and if that were the case, drug dealers and hookers would never be incarcerated. As for the statement about law enforcement not being allowed, Scruff is right in saying it's more a "not welcome" sign. I hear about this stuff all the time, but still can't conjure up the image of police officers sitting at their desks looking at CFS to see where the hot spots are. If so, what a fucking waste of time and money, really, there are other things I'd rather see law enforcement paying attention too. Some cruise spots can't really be shut down. If it's a park or a beach, they're not going to close it, but, like they do here in Boston, they will put up signs that say after a certain time no trespassing is allowed. There are a couple of parks here that the police, to their credit, don't bust anyone, but do swing by if recently there was a gay bashing incident. Even if they do come by other times, they simply drive through, shine the lights and leave. Most times, and I've seen this a few times. The crack down on crusing spots are because of the troll factor. Some of these guys just can't be cool, and will whip it out anywhere, drive in and out a hundred times or walk around for hours circling, grabbing their crotches etc. I don't think some guys take into consideration that if they want their cruising spot to stay acitve and safe, they need to use some caution and discretion. It kind of pisses me off actually.
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I know that I'm preaching to the choir, but ... I agree wholeheartedly about guys just not using common sense.
There is a park across the street from my office, and I'll admit that I have hooked up more than a few times there ... but I also like to go there with a book and eat my lunch when the weather is nice. But can I do that? No. Because guys constantly drive by, slow down, give me that deer-in-the-headlights look, and will even come over to my table and "talk". Do they assume that I am blind and that the book is just a decoy? If I don't respond, I'm not interested. If a guy doesn't respond, DON'T move your car closer to him, DON'T follow his car into the next parking lot when he ignores you, DON'T walk 'round and 'round his car or table while he reads the paper or whatever. Even if I thought you were hot, or if I hooked up wth you before, maybe I just want to eat my lunch. Maybe I have a boyfriend now. Maybe I'm not feeling good. Maybe I just came. But I tell you what, you sure look stupid/desperate/annoying when you keep on trying. I walked into a bathroom once to do my legitimate business and the guy in the stall next to me immediately started tapping his foot (I did not respond). Then he wrote a note and held it under the stall (I didn't take it). Then he STUCK HIS FOOT UNDER MY STALL and started tapping. Then he got up, went out, and knocked on the fucking door. Jesus, I've wanted to call the cops myself.
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Well Scruffy, there are a lot of guys on here with only half a brain. Judging from your comments sometimes, you don't think any of us here are nearly as brilliant as you.
What did I expect Keith to do? Take down that silly, worthless warning. Why give those of us with only half a brain even a modicum of security......thinking that the cops can't visit this site because the Webmaster said so.
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I see guys in the OC forum posting about hot spots all the time. I think that they do not realize the internet is a public venue. IMO, they deserve to get busted. I am not sorry for saying that, but stupidity can only be handled so much. Maybe they think that since it is a gay site, no body else goes to it. Maybe they think that since they do not go to straight sites since they are gay, straight people do not go to gay sites?
It's just like that other guy that bragged on his blog about murdering someone. Bragging rights I guess. Or maybe we want to share our hook up stories with others. Maybe I do not know. Every so often, someone will post something in the forum asking them if they are idiots. Of course no one responds but maybe it is just as well - a dose of reality is needed from time to time.
Corey Not as innocent as one might think
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Running to Keith with a ridiculous suggestion is, in my opinion, ABSOLUTELY not anywhere approaching "brilliance."
Sounds more like little more than being a whining crybaby, if you ask me. I'm not sure why you felt the need to take an attitude when I asked you a simple question -- probably because you know you have no good reason for suggesting the "bug off" banner be removed except to satisfy your own obscure notion of what is right and wrong for a website you do not own and use free of charge. Had you simply answered my question without being an asswipe I would have thanked you for your honesty and allowed my curiosity to be satiated. I never realized it was mandated and important for CFS to pander to the political correct notion that this site should keep in mind all the imbeciles who have half a brain or less... Yeah, shame on Keith -- how dare he NOT consider that he was maybe misleading some guys into thinking they were safe to post whatever the hell they want here? If only he'd listened to YOU he might have saved a few idiots from their own indiscretion. I guess for every disclaimer there is an equal and opposite non-disclaimer, huh? Get real, honestly -- if you actually believe removing the banner would help curtail imbeciles from posting cruise areas due to the fact that ABSENCE of such a warning would give them pause for thought -- dude, I've got a parcel of swampland I'd like to sell you. Idiots will be idiots and poor Keith can't do much to stop them. Cruising is and ALWAYS will be an "at your own risk" activity. The internet is a public place and information posted online is subject to examination by anyone who desires it. When I first joined CFS many, many, many years ago, I saw that "fuck off" banner and just clicked it away, laughing to myself with the knowledge that no one in their right mind would ever believe it would do any good to keep out law enforcement. If you equate THAT with "brilliance," then perhaps you may wish to consider redefining that term. To me, it was common sense. To you, I guess it was a horrifying insult to retards... Of course, as always, if you don't like CFS and the policies of the site, you can simply leave, right?
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Thanks for your reply, Scruffy, you just proved my point. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "whiney, crybaby, asswipe" (all your words, not mine). I suggest you go back and check my history. I've never attacked or insulted you because I learned long ago to not even read your long winded BS. It take you 150-200 lines to say what the rest of us convey in 5 or 10 (the "ask a question, get a novel" comment was spot on). And when somebody disagrees with you, you resort to name calling, bullying, and demeaning them....because that's all you've got. Oh, except for your "perfect cock" (how many remember that posting?) You not only have a brilliant mind, but you are so humble.
I'll now return to my previous mode of just scrollling past anything you post. Feel free to do the same when you see something posted by me.
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I wish I had the time to read a scruffy post. I'm usually online in the evening, when I tired and getting ready for bed. I don't like the feeling of my head hitting the keyboard when I doze off reading one of those very long posts.
Hey Scruffy... have you ever considered witing professionally?
Hairy top guy looking for some hot action now and then. 44, 6'1", 220, lots of body fur, nice cock with big nuts. Enjoy rimming a nice clean ass before I fuck it. Open to other options. Groups rock! Drop me a note.
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Hey Indy guy, no woirries man. I put ScruffyCub on ignore for those reasons, and others, over a year ago. Jsut use your filter and ignore his posts if you wish. Worked great for me. No offense Scruffy. Just my preference regarding your posts.
Will meet with discreet men w/large erections, true 7"+ & hard. Will sit down on your hard-on while you stroke me, or get on my hands and knees, reach back and massage your balls while your cock's up my asspipe. Like prostate massages and sucking. I always have enema before playing. Very clean only. No kissing or hugging, etc. Just sex. If your cock is big and hard, I'm truly interested. Northern California, Coos Bay, Ashland, Medford in Oregon, and other places.
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CFS was a good thing near the time of its birth but now it is a bad thing for cruise places. Posting cruise places on CFS is worse than posting them on the front page of all local newspapers at one time WORLDWIDE! I know of several cruise places that I think CFS overloaded in time and then came the big boom closing and police cleanings to these places. I think CFS would be much better if it were used like as a one on one hookup. In the past before Internet there were many more cruise places and each one was very cruisy. I never ever had a problem finding out where to get dick then. I talk to other gay/bi/trans people all the time and many including myself just will not cruise a place that has been listed on CFS or any of the other online boards. They say that they just do not feel comfortable cruising a place after it is listed online because it feels like everyone is watching them and everyone knows what they are up to. Make sense?
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A "where are the whore houses.com" (wherearethewhorehouses.com) web site is definitely needed so everyone can see just where & when & what time the hetero cruise places go on so they can bash and crash them. They can also stay "OUTTED". I know of three massage parlors and one Cafe Risqué near Lavonia all are what you call your basic run of the mill whore houses. I have friends that go to them and give them their pay checks each week like good little boys. Hugh signs go for miles and miles on that part of I-85 advertising them. They say that they can get any drugs there also. But if a single male all alone so much as stops for more than a very few minutes at the Carnesville rest area just a few miles away from the whore houses, the help there will eye you to a heart failure and you can bet your ass you will see a Carnesville sheriff's car ride in there in no time. That is sheriff's second home.
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