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Old 19th August 2005, 05:59 AM
mine's double-wide
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 179
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CFS, friend of foe?

I've heard a lot of cruisingforsex bashing lately, online and from some fellow cruisers I talk with occasionally. They seem to think that CFS has made some cruising venues so popular that police are forced by angry home owners to clean up their neighborhoods.

Some guys think police go online and use to find out where the queers are looking for sex. That may be true but I think people that live near a cruisy area are the driving force that get police involved.

Some of the best cruise spots in the Atlanta, that were cruisy for years, are now dead as hell. The critics of CFS say that the "advertising" of such places made them TOO popular, while cruise areas never mentioned here are as cruisy as ever.

What's going on here might not be true in other areas. I know where to cruise and most of the places I cruise are never mentioned here. I'll use CFS if I'm going out of state.

Is too much of a good thing a bad thing? Has made some places so cruisy that a crack down was inevitable?
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