Y'day., (tue.), having been assured by an official Tourist Info. Office on Si Lom rd. that there is a 'Motor Show.' OPEN to the gen'l. public at BITEC. and tat there would be shuttle-'buses. provided I resloved to go thither for a few hrs..
Beforehand I looked-in at BIG C., (R'damri.), wch. was quiet at that time of day. Detraining at On Nut, (E9.), I saw no shuttle-'bus. after at least a 30+mins'. wait; not liking all the s-l-o-w mvg. tfc. went-in to LOTUS-TESCO., wch. again was quiet - but possibly passable for those who prefer maturer men. One maturer man hanging-around all too obviously by the gd. fl's. toilet#8.. So to SIAM DISCOVERY, where my usually good fls., #4 & #6., there was Nothing To Report. Then back to BIG C. where there were a cople of younger looking men and so me activity - but not all that much. I walked to Lumpini Park's King's statue, (the. was CLOSED by that time.), where I met some money boyz hanging-around, but I wasn't in any mind to invite-back any of them. Maybe my sense of timing was OUT, or it was just me, but tuesday didn't seem to me to be a v. good day for cruising, :-( 'bye..
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Y'day.,(wed.), having some spare time before my Th. f*ck-buddiy's arrival later-on in the evening I went cruising during the late a'noon. to TESCO., (BTS.: On Nut.), wch. was v. quiet - so I left soon after 18hrs..
Then to BIG C, (R'damri.), wch. was equally quiet; possibly the o'cast. weather, the getting-ready for Songkran or someother matter kept other crusisers away? 'bye..
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For those having business or pleasure along the New Charoen Krung rd./BTS. stn. Saphan Taksin part of BKK. it can be worthwhile looking-in at the Robinson's dept. store there.
Go-UP to the TOP fl. and the toilets are down a short psg. by the indoors' children's play-space, wch. is called 'Bug Space.'. From my ltd. experiences toilets #1. & #2. are the best: dimly lit, (so no give-away shadows.), and a larger peep-hole, (NOT a glory hole.), in the partition. But all too often other cruisers are definitely living-in their maturer yrs. of life. I was there today, 17th., arr'd. about 17.30hrs.; Only older men cruising - NBG.! :-( Only two toilets were available for use - others locked shut. While enjoying a cup of coffee I was joined by a certain lady from Beijing, who had been here just 1 wk., on the look-out for customers! We chatted for a while; she complained of shortage of customers, to wch. I invited her to look-around and see what sort or patrons were there. She asked me where should she go? Goodness gracious, how should I know? I suggested Siam Paragon, CentreWorld or MBK. for starters. All part of life's rich tapestry. bye..
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On thu.,(03rd.), I cruised-around 'Big C.' late a'noon./early evening; didn't see all yhat much eye-candy; but one man - probably late 20s./early 30s? facially not all that attractive - was shewing a truly magnificent c*ck: uncut, possibly a good 6+". and mouth-fillingly thick!
'Siam Discovery.' was nothing to report. Then y'day. I was at 'Big C.' early a'noon., some eye-candy seen but a bit shy of a farang standing too close; some activity on 5th. fl. where 1 young man let me play with him for a while before going-off somewhere else with another TH. man. Possibly I saw 'The Pest.' - certainly some elderly farang on 2nd. fl. that caused many to leave. Next on to 'Lotus-Tesco.' at On Nut - many maturer men; but 1 young man - skinhead - stood next to me in the urinals, saw what I was shewing and proceeded to m'bate. furiously until he achieved what he wanted: not a bad looking c*ck. Noted that the cleaner/janitress in gd. fl. toilets was busy with her pail & mop. Then back to 'Big C.', where there were several more shy TH. young men. A certain presence of their para-mil'y. sec. gds. noted, too. 'bye..
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Y'day., (fri.), I went-to Robinson's BangRak, (nr. to BTS. Saphan Taksin, [S6.],), arr'd. late a'noon..
Managed to pleasure a couple of younger males - really a flash in the pan, as it were, because most other men there were quite unappealing to me. Toilets #1 & #2 are the best as the o'hd. lt. doesn't work, they are farthest from the main ent'ce. and there is a reasonably sized peep-hole in the partition. Beforehand best to take plenty of toilet-tissue with you to clean-up in advance of getting-down to business, (or should that be 'pleasure.'?),. 'bye..
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Y'day. evening, before going to an appointment in an hotel nr. the river end of Si Lom, and having a few spare moments in hand, I looked-in at the Robinson's Dep't. Store on Charoen Krung rd. nr. to Saphan Taksin BTS. stn., (S6.),.
On the 4th. fl. I followed a blonde haired young Th. man into the comfort room, where we saw both toilets #1. & #2. were occupied. I went-in to #5., as #6. was occupied - but nothing gained. When I came-out the blonde-haired young man wasn't t be seen standing outside; but as #3 was vacant I entered. I just happened to notice the man in #1 looking-over the partition, so I followed suite and saw the blonde taking-off his trousers while another YM., wearing the usual b'ball. cap, (so I couldn't see his face.), was masturbating to make his cock hard: quite a good length & girth for a Th. boi! Then the other YM. entered the blonde and proceeded to f*ck him quite vigorously and for quite a good length of time, too. Hearing some other man enter the CR. I had to duck-down. By the time it was safe to look-over they'd finished: the blonde was pulling-up his trousers and the other YM. was sitting-back and relaxing. So - it can be an happening place. 'bye..
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It's some time since I lasted visited the 'Big C.' nr. BTS. Saphan Kwai, but on both visits I noticed, too, plenty of lookers and hangers-around but little if any action.
Last thursday, I think it was and having completed some business in Phrom Phong area, I went-to 'Big C.' on R'damri., arrived around 16.30hrs. to find it v. quiet. I bided my time and cruised-around again towards 17.30 to find it livlier with several younger men displaying their assets. One young man - student looking - made 'come with me.' eyes and I followed him up one of the inclined walk-ways where, part way up, he unzipped and shewed me what he has: quite a fair size for a young TH. man. So we braved the elements, crossed the soi and in the Hi-Fi bldg. went upstairs to the 5th. fl. Comfort Room where, undisturbed, we were able to get to know eachother better! But, apart from that, the remainder of the evening was uneventful as far as I was concerned: only a few pieces of eye-candy there. Then y'day., (wed.), I went to 'Lotus Tesco.' at On Nut, arrived about 17hrs.. In the Gd. fl. CR. a hunky youth was busy moving from urinal to urinal so as to stand next to whomever caught his att'n.. I noticed, too, a farang loitering in toilet #8.. But generally while there was a little eye-candy to be admired nothing much occured. In 'Big C.' I felt that there were MORE para-mil'y. sec. gds., janitors, janitresses & their s'visors. on duty than users of the CRs.; but a little activity in the 5th. fl.. Possibly rumors of disturbances following the announcement about the political parties had detered many? 'Siam Dicovery Cntr.' was equally dispappointing with v. few users of the CRs.. 'bye..
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In one of today's BKK. and English language 'papers. was a short article about the arrest of an infected Thai man in 'BIG C.' R'damri..
Reportedly he posed as a Schools' Inspector and would arrest students who should have been attending classes in their school, college or uni. at the time. He would allow them to go without a fine but only after they'd given him oral s*x.. 'bye..
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Y'day., (17th.), cruised-around 'BIG C.', R'damri..
Arr'd. around 17.30hrs. to see some activity in 2nd. fl. Comfort-room, but little anywhere else. Stayed for about an hour. Then to 'SIAM DISC'Y. CNTR.', and up to the top fl. CR.. After a short while a man in the adjacent cubicle made contact; v. soon afterwards he slipped the whole lower half of his body beneath the partition the better for me to smoke him. A few more contacts on other floors, but otherwise nothing to report. Left about 20.45hrs., (before their 21hrs. closing time.),. 'bye..
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-- Y'day., (fri.), having a spare a'noon. I did a spot of cruising.
- First to 'Siam Discovery Centre.', (BTS.: Siam.), at wch. I arr'd. at around 15hrs.; 6th. floor was unusually quiet for that day & time - only one other man shewed any interest during the half an hr. that I was there. - Then to 'Lotus Tesco.' at On Nut, (BTS. E9.), arr'd sometime after 16hrs.. Too many middle-aged looking no hopers, especially in the ground floor Comfort Room. A couple of younger men put in an appearance, both of whom shewed some interest in me; one -a dark skinned young man called 'Boi.' - signed for me to follow him outside into the car park, wch. I did. He said that he's not gay and prefers to be a Top; he offered to take me to a local hotel, but I was too short of cash to acccept his offer. After a refreshing cup of coffee & a doughnut I cruised around a bit more, but nothing to report. - Next to 'Big C.' on R'damri., (BTS.: Siam or Chit Lom, [E1.],), where I arr'd. sometime after 19.15hrs. or so. Several attractive looking young men - but quite shy when a farang was present. Para-mil'y. sec. gds. quite active, as were the janitresses. - Finally back to 'SDC.', where I arr'd. at about 20.15hrs.. 6th. fl. was quiet, but 4th. fl. was quite busy with several pieces of eye candy shewing-off their assets. - Most shops in SDC. CLOSE at 21hrs.. 'bye..
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