They closed for renovations and I read on one Thai website that they had a big group of totally new staff, but unless it's changed in the last two weeks all the staff (only about 10 in total) are the long-termers who have been there for years.
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Tartanawan massage seems a bit short of staff at the moment, none of my previous regulars around.
Went to Prime twice late evening but both times was told would have to wait as no free staff. Indra plenty of staff and usual service. Twinks - my first visit. No menu card of what was on offer. Older guy said for massage and fucking all in price of Bht2,000. Asked why more expensive than Arena and Senso and was told that all boys were 18 - 20 and rent more expensive there. Fairly basic facilities and as rooms next to "reception" area you hear the TV and all conversations going on. Overall experience was pretty average. Went to Urbanmale (Sukh 23) for the first time. Nice premises and room. Had the 90 min scrub and massage which was good. However boy just wanted to do a hand job for his "minimum" Bht1,000 tip. On the way to the massage room every boy said "enjoy your massage" no one asked after how it went. Will not be going back. Went to Purity Massage 56 Surawong for first time. Has reasonable rooms with shower. Near the end of the massage boy asked what I wanted - said sucking each other. Unfortunately he had trouble getting hard and explained that he had not eaten recently and therefore I would need to fuck him to get him hard.... I obviously obliged. On the way out noticed they had quite a number of boys sitting in the area behind the foot massage room and the lifts to the body massage rooms. Will try this place again.
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Thanks for the details. I had always been able to get ample sex from Purity. A bit unusual as it's so foot and tourist oriented, but they have a huge room upstairs that if not crowded, liberates the boys a bit.
Tantawan boy scarcity I also noted...even Sod and brother are not around, but there is one younger-looking lad now sitting outside the massage place further down away from Rama 4 where the staff always have red shirts. What about the two massage places on soi Twilight that are not Bonny's? I am often very attracted to most of the boys sitting outside but never taken the plunge. Has anyone tried either of these places?
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I tried Red Massage earlier this year. The place is a dump. The boy I had couldn't tell me how to work the shower even though (he claimed) he's worked there several months. The massage was a case of wiping my body with his hands. He used enough oil to float a ship. The sex... how was it? Erm, I forgot. Doesn't that make it "forgetable"?
My Shameless Thai blog: shamelessmack.wordpress.com
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... .but there is one younger-looking lad now sitting outside the massage place further down away from Rama 4 where the staff always have red shirts. ... . QUOTE] -- Possibly you're thinking of LISA'S MASSAGE, between TARNTAWAN PLACE HTL. and the 7/11. shop, on Tnn. Suriwong? - I went there once; from memory a not too special massage and after-massage. - Several months ago one of LISA'S maturer masseurs quit and moved to work with RED MASSAGE in Soi Twilight. - This evening there were a couple of young masseurs sitting outside.
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There are always lots of good looking guys outside the place so if I try them again I will tell them that I will select the massuer that I like or go elsewhere.
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Not sure what it's like later in the evening.
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The number of rooms (as well as their size) is inadequate for the volume of business, so many were waiting for rooms to become free. I think they were going to do an expansion (and hopefully upgrade), but not sure if that's happened. They do have a shower stall in the room, which I prefer, but the rooms and massage table are still nothing on a par with a place like Senso or other venues with the higher prices. Still the boys are well worth it and that's the most important thing. Not sure what it's like later in the evening.
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-- Today,(02nd.), my American & enthusiastic friend - whose b'day. it will be tomorrow - suggested that we go to BODY CLUB MASSAGE, to wch. he hasn't been for a yr. or MORE and I never.
- addr.: 24/24-25, Sikhumvit 8.; Khet Pattthum Wan, BKK.; - loc'n.: see map on their web-site; - BTS.: Nana, (E3.); - tel.: (089)-171 9009.; - web: http://www.bodyclubbangkok.com - e-mail: bodyclub_bkk@hotmail.com - hrs.: 12. - 22.oo.hrs. daily. -- ETA.: approx. 15.oo.hrs.. - Some 28 masseurs of most shapes & sizes and ages on parade; - While waiting for the masseurs to form-up we looked-around and decided that the recept'n. area was starting to look a little frayed at the edges and could do with some much needed house-keeping. - My friend made his sel'n.: rather an heavy-set looking young man from BKK. called Ao.; - Out of sheer deviltry I asked the M'San. if he had a c'cised. masseur? A blank look followed by a vigorous shake of the head. So I asked for a masseur whose cock wasn't necessarily long but thick for smoking; the M'San. had to ask the assembled masseurs; eventually, and rather sheepishly, I thought, five raised their hands to some good natured laughter from the rest. -- My masseur & I went-up to the 3fl.: room roughly 12'x12'., clean & pleasantly decorated with a bath & shower in one corner and an hawng nahm adjoining. The massage table is curved to suit one lying on one's back but LESS comfy. for lying prone. -- My masseur's name is Khun Kat, 25YO. from I-San., has been working there for 7 mos.; lives alone in the On Nut area. Physically he is on the short side. Speaks quite adequate enough English for simple conversations. He prefers to be a Top but will Bottom if in the mood and with the right person. -- We showered & scrubbed together both before and after the massage - a good point! - The massage was fair enough: mostly on my legs & thighs, a little att'n. to my arms and about the same for my chest. Let's say 6/1O. - I noticed that on his tray were two Condoms, but no lube.; also a small bottle of Listerine mouthwash. Afterwards my friend also commented on the lack of lube. but fortunately for him he'd bought a couple of sachets with him, (obviously a former Boy Scout!]. - Then post-massage I smoked him, wch. he seemed to enjoy. Just between us girls his cock wasn't all that thick - but good enough for a man with a small body. -- From stepping-IN to the massage room to stepping-OUT of it - it was supposed to be a 90mins. massage - was approx. 75mins.. ![]() -- When it was time to pay the bills at Recept'n. we were told that the M'San. had just stepped outside for a few moments. Actually, and as we saw, the M'San. was de-training. as we were about to board the same BTS. SkyTrain. -- From the menu some sample charges - 1.- Oil ---------- 39O.Bh. for 9Omins.; 2.- Cream ------ 49O.Bh. for 9Omins.; 3.- Aroma ------ 55O.Bh. for 9Omins.; 4.- Scrub ------- 49O.Bh. for 9Omins.; 5.- Scr. & msg. - 69O.-85O.Bh. for 15Omins. - MINIMUM TIP. is 5OO.Bh.. -- I shall visit again and apply the 'Three Strikes' Rule.'.
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Spent two hours getting there from Silom. Skytrain. Walk 1,5 km. Khlong boat. Walk. Taxi. Walk.
Nawamin Soi 57's most unique feature is the sentry box in the middle of the road. Yeak 3 (subsoi 3) is about 150-200m inside. Aromass is about 100m inside Yeak 3, very poorly marked by name, but quite obvious if you look about for a wooden house in an area of concrete houses. Lobby was deserted. Eventually the mamasan appeared. Price was discussed, 490 baht for 60 minutes massage, 690 baht for 90 minutes, 790 baht for scrub+massage 90 minutes. I settled for a scrub+massage. "So, how do I choose the masseur?" I asked him. "Do you have photos?" With a little hesitation, he replied, "Oh, we only have one masseur now." Who was too slim for my taste. But having invested 2 hours getting there, there was no turning back. Nevertheless, he clearly had good training, delivering the correct strokes with fluidity. However, pressure was too light, so rating 6/10. Not being my type, I didn't bother with the afters. The interior has been designed with care. The room was of reasonable size, with a floor mattress. The bathroom was separate (no security for one's belongings when out of the room showering). And frankly, the house was so quiet, I doubt if there was any other customer on the premises. In other words, it was not as if I was unlucky to arrive just when they were busy and couldn't offer me any selection of boys. That day they might have had just one boy on duty. My suspicion was further supported when after the massage, I was given a ONE FREE MASSAGE coupon. Such a generous promotion may signal a business in its death throes. Returned to Silom by taxi to Lad Phrao station, then by underground train to Silom. Took slightly over an hour. Traffic on Lad Phrao Road was bad.
My Shameless Thai blog: shamelessmack.wordpress.com
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-- Y'day.,(12th.), evening, having read a favorable note from Khun Yannawa and having heard ditto from Khun Billinbk. - and also as a nod to the Silom-centric readers who might consider my trips to BKK's. suburbs to be both a waste of time & of money - I resolved to visit CHANG FOOT MASSAGE & SPA. -
- addr.: BTS. Sala Daeng Station, (business card.); - loc'n.: On Tnn. Si Lom at i'sect. with soi 2/1., opposite to NOODI REST'T. and across the rd. from SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA; - Google co-ords.: roughly 100-32-03.E.x13.43-43.N,; - tel.: (02)-662 632 7871.; - web: http://www.changfootmassage.com > (NB.: I was unable to download that & was directed instead to Google's search-engine - most of its entries were lacking in any useful & hard info.),. -- ETA.: approx. 19.30.hrs.; - Recept'n. space looked neat, clean & well-maintained; - The English-speaking receptioniste shewed me its Menu: the usual std. svces. & prices for 60. & for 120.mins'. svces.; I chose my usual 90mins. & oil-massage for 750.Bh.. I was asked if I'd prefer a masseur or a masseuse? Being my 1st. visit thither I requested a masseur who's comfortable with a farang who speaks but little Th.; - While awaiting my masseur I was offered a choice of drinks. I replied that I'd prefer to wait until after the massage. -- My masseur & I walked-UP 2 flts. of stairs to room #4.: approx. 12x15ft.; neat & clean; 2 std. sized massage-tables; air-cond. & soft bkgd. music; 3x4ft. shower, (just big enough for 1 farang but sardines for him & masseur!), HOT water was scarcely tepid; no hawng nahm en suite, (I forgot to ask for it so as to check it - apologies.). - NB.: While the walls extend from ceiling to floor the room's door is not solid but is a fold-up type. - My masseur is called Khun Tam: 23YO.; mother & sisters living in ROI ET; dk-skinned, short & stocky build; is single & shares his acc'n. wth a friend; speaks fairly ltd. English. -- After my shower I asked the masseur to remove his shirt & trousers, he looked a trifle doubtful so I pointed-out that I was naked and that I was sure that he didn't want to get massage-oil on his good clothes! - The lts. were dimmed and the massage began; - A lge. towel was placed over my LOWER half through wch. I was massaged to ensure that all water was removed prior to the oil-massage, that was repeated for my UPPER half. The towel was then replaced before the masseur started on my shoulders - a good & firm massage without being heavy; - As he massaged my LOWER back I asked for the towel to be removed; - Plenty of time, with fingers & thumbs doing their own exploring, was spent in massaging those parts 'Upon wch. the sun ... .'; - After time on my thights, legs & feet it was time to turn-over; - Really a MINIMUM time on my chest before moving farther SOUTH, at wch. point I decided that my own fingers should start contributing; uncut, of avg. lengthy but thin and with a decided downward bend nr. the base. that part of the massage was not hurried and was artfully done to out mutual pleasures! - After rubbing me all over with a towel to remove the surplus oil I had a final shower for wch. a fresh & dry towel was provided - such a blessing! - O'all. I'd rate his perf. at 8/10.. - From entering room #4. to my leaving was just about 80mins.. -- At recept'n. I paid my bill and noted that I was not offered any post-massage refreshments. - I enquired how many staff they had and was told: 'Many.'; I had noted 2 or 3 giving foot-massages and some half-a-dozen masseurs & masseurs were lined-up at the door as I left. - From its business card I see that there are some seven other branches. -- 'Vaut le retour.'.
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