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Old 29th September 2010, 06:29 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
Yet another massage-parlor on ... .

-- Some Gentle Readers may remember the fairly short-lived TASTY THAI Eatery on Suriwong rd., (roughly opp. to LE MERIDIEN HTL.),?

-- Today, (29th.), that premis has RE-OPENED as another branch of CHANG MASSAGE, whose SPA. & foot-massage parlor on Si Lom rd., (by BTS. SALA DAENG, [S2.],), should need no further intro..
- Looking-in from S'wong. rd. it would seem that a goodly amt. of money has been spent to make that new branch look UP-mkt.;
- Pleasant Receptioniste who speaks good English;
- 'phone-lines. etc. have not been installed yet;
- Prices same as for their parlor - Silom 1. - on Si Lom rd.;
-- tel.: (02)-632 7871.;
-- web: > <

-- E&OE. - Usual disclaimer as not yet visited for its svces..
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Old 29th September 2010, 12:06 PM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

Sextile, I see that Ya, the guy you were after at 88 has now shown up at K-Male massage along with another ex-88 massage boy called Thum.
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Old 29th September 2010, 08:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
Sextile, I see that Ya, the guy you were after at 88 has now shown up at K-Male massage along with another ex-88 massage boy called Thum.

-- Khun Yannawa,
- Thanks for yr. recent & helpful postings - appreciated.
- Possibly his illness was MORE diplomatic than real?
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Old 30th September 2010, 08:29 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

I took 3 married farangs to Proud66 this afternoon for "straight" massages. One guy said it was the best massage he had ever had, one smoked his boy and the third was so happy, he called down to extend the massage for another 30 minutes.
But while I was waiting for them to cum out so to speak, I wandered past the new Chang next door and was immediately "attacked" through the glass by an irresistible, handsome smile. So I went in and had an oil massage with him. He is the only guy working there I believe. Anyhow, to cut a long story short, I left very happy and had to make an extra trip to the atm for a suitable tip. The interior is very good. High massage tables with showers in the rooms. Very good showers with lots of hot water and new towels.
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Old 30th September 2010, 08:33 AM
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K-male club

-- Today, (30th.), a'noon. I visited the a/m. massage parlor -

- addr.: 688/58, Laksi sq.,
Chaeng Wattana rd., moo7,
Khet Bang Khen, BKK. 10220.;
- tel.: (02)-970 1305.;
- cell: (085)-420 5000., (088)-626 9993.; this last no. was u'lined. by Khun Tae when he gave me the parlor's Business Card.

-- From o'side. BKK. XTN. HOSP'L., Si Lom rd., I took a #504.'bus. as far as LAKSI;
- fare & time: 18.Bh. & 70mins..
- The 'bus. runs along Vibhavadi-Rangsit rd., (LAKSI RLY. STN. will be passed on one's LHS.), and will stop just beyond the i'sec't. with Chaeng Wattana rd.;
- Take the ped. foot-br. to the other side and walk-back, with the rd.-tfc., to the a/m. i'sect.;
- Turn LEFT along C. Wattana rd., walking with the rd.-tfc. for approx. 20mins. to the MAX VALU. s'mkt., LHS.;
- Walk past MV. until one will come to a soi, (LHS.), on one cnr. of wch. is a photo-copy/print shop and on the opp. cnr. is the green painted end of a row of shops, on wch. one will see prominent signs for Fuji Film's FDI. Stn.. The row of shops also contains a 7/11., useful for any last minute shopping! As a further guide there is a ped. foot-br. a few yds. farther along;
- Turn LEFT and walk along that soi, with the one way rd.-tfc., for about 100yds.; one will see K-MALE CLUB's red-on-white sign above the door just past a sub-soi to one's LEFT.

-- Once inside the Receptionist, Khun Tae, (his English is adequate for the basics of the job but should not be taxed.), info'd. me that there was a special promo. of just 490.Bh. for a 90mins. & oil-massage.; I could have had a 2hrs'. massage had I wanted - but experience has shewn me that most masseurs are good for 90mins. but no for much more.
- There is a MINIMUM TIP. policy: 500.Bh. for 1hr. with 'soft.' sex; otherwise it's 1K.Bh.
- I chose Khun Wa: 22YO. who hails from KHON KAEN. Above avg. ht. for a Thai, lean, lightly colored skin; and apart from today's obligatory 'neath.-the-chin hair quite smooth & hairless. Polite & concerned for his customer.

-- We went-up to the 3fl.: the massage room is approx. 6ft.x10ft., with a 4'.x 7.' mattress & clean linen on the polished wooden floor. The room contains a small locker, with keys, for one's valuables;
- The shower, (for wch. I was given a good sized, clean & fluffy bath-towel.), is just along the corridor, but the hawn nahm is one fl. DOWN; when taking a shower it's safer to stand-on the rubber mat provided as the polished faux-marble floor can become slippery when wet!
- There are a couple of bottles of Listerine mouth-wash & a container of cotton-buds available;
- Khun Wa did not join me in the shower.

-- Khun Wa was awaiting my arrival with just a towel wrapped around him;
- In truth the massage was but so-so; from the att'n. paid to my glutes. and to those parts upon wch. the sun ... and his erect cock, (uncut & a bit longer than avg.), made it all too obvious what his intentions would be, especially when he tried some B2B. massage not only on my back but after I'd turned-over.
- Well, after that any pretence of massage was finished, and we turned our att'ns. to the start of softer intimacies: we exchanged kisses, (he kisses so softly & gently), caresses and other such fondlings of foreplay; but really 'I'm just a girl who can't say no, ... .', and in a moment I'd offered him the Final Favor. 'She offered her honor, he honored her offer and all night long he was on 'er. and off 'er.'. Well, I shall allow the hand of discretion to draw the veil of silence over our intimacies; however towards the end he withdrew, removed the Condom and allowed me to smoke him to the usual HE.: a mouthful of hot & sweet nahm rak, "Saep eelee.*" was all that I could say by way of a thank you.

-- We showered together, another but final pleasurable experience;
- All told from 1st. to last shower the time was approx. 70mins.;
- Downstairs I was brought the trad. cup of hot & herbal tea.
- I chatted with Khun Tae, who told me that his predecessor, Khen Em, had moved-on to NONTHABURI. That day there were 12 masseurs on pde., but there would be some 15 for sat. & sun.. Most days he expects some ten customers.

-- The 'bus.-journey back took all of 90mins. - the delays started from the rd. i'sect. at PRATUNAM. I figured that it might have been quicker to have taken the train to HUA LAMPHONG that I saw passing through LAKSI stn. at approx. 17.50.hrs..
--* Pl. pardon my phonetic spelling - corr'ns. welcomed!
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Old 30th September 2010, 11:38 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

oooh SexyT..Khun Ya has transfered his unique charm from 88 Massage where I had a similar experience with him. He sure loves to fuck, but I only offered my mouth. Charming, quiet and lovable.
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Old 30th September 2010, 08:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
Khun Ya has transfered his unique charm ... . Charming, quiet and lovable.

-- 'tony. Bennett, (born 1926.), may have 'Left his heart in San Francisco.', but I don't think that I've gone so far as to do te same in K-MALE CLUB?

-- Well, one is certainly too simple-minded or optimistic to make snap judgements on just one brief encounter - even 'though. first impressions do matter - and especially so when there's only enough blood in one's cardio-vascular system to supply either brain or penis but not both.
- But, the above having been written, I'm sure that one could do far worse than getting to know Khun Wa better; had I not a tee-rak who's so possessive* I might venture out there evem MORE often on my pink tkt. daze!

--* As an aside - does anyone know of a proverb or everyday saying that begins or inludes: 'As possessive as a ... .',? I've made an initial check with search-engine Goolge and drawn a blank. :-(
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Old 1st October 2010, 02:51 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 272

hi, is bento still open? i can't seem to find them in the thaimassageboy site anymore. they seem to be the only ones that have a little more bulky masseurs?

any recommendations of places where i can find meatier masseurs in the silom area?
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Old 1st October 2010, 09:46 PM
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Posts: 105

Senso has a few, take a look at their web site. A few BTS stations away, u will find plenty in Hero, Albury and VClub.
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Old 2nd October 2010, 02:02 AM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 108
Tantric Massage

Has anyone tried the male Tantric Massage at Spa Bangkok?

Tantric Massage
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Old 2nd October 2010, 05:12 AM
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Originally Posted by JupiterJake View Post
Has anyone tried the male Tantric Massage at Spa Bangkok?
... .

-- Quite some time back - maybe a yr. or MORE - there was some correspondence in the then > :: Trevvy / SGBOY :: Lifestyle. Community. Me. (Gay Singapore Malaysia Hong Kong Thailand Australia) < about it;
- I was left with the u'standing. that some aspects of Tantric Massage, (especially pertaining to male potency), are not for everyone, especially for the elderly who are subject to a certain amt. of physical degeneration and MORE aches & pains than their younger bretheren. If my memory serves correctly and one wants a male potency massage then a physical exam'n. might be proposed followed by the customer signing an obligatory Waiver - but please do not quote me on the latter but do yr. own research first of all, especially as I'm relying-on my amnesic memory and am quoting others' remarks.
- Reportedly one does not just walk-in off the street and ask for & expect a massage that incl. male potency there and then - one is expected to make a booking in advance as there are only one or two masseurs trained & certified by the MoH. to give such massages.

-- V. much E&OE.! --
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Old 3rd October 2010, 05:59 AM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 92

Has anyone had experience of the massage at the Ambassador Hotel? It is theoretically straight but I have read reports of "extra service"".
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Old 3rd October 2010, 09:34 AM
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Yes. The masseurs at the Ambassador were giving "extra service" long before the arrival of V Club or any of the other massage parlors.

With all the other places specifically catering to us now, though, I'd say there's almost no reason to go there. The facility is run down, filled with straight people, and the masseurs nothing special.

They are usually up for a blow job (you providing) and a wank (them giving you), rarely more.

Nothing exciting.
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Old 3rd October 2010, 09:04 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 257

Agree with ICON. Recently had a friend here from abroad. His first visit to Bkk was some 15 years ago this recent visit is his first return.

He had one thing on his mind -his exploits at Ambassador some 15 years earlier. I mentioned that times have moved on and there are numerous other venues with lots more choice, but he wanted Ambassador.

He was quite disappointed, but then tried HERO and about 6 or 7 other places.

Ambassador is now off his list.
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Old 4th October 2010, 12:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Xfun View Post
... . His first visit to Bkk was some 15 years ago this recent visit is his first return.
... but he wanted Ambassador.
He was quite disappointed, but then tried HERO and about 6 or 7 other places. ... .

-- Perhaps you would be able to persuade yr. friend - via you if he's not yet a member of our happy family -to contribute his thoughts etc. on the massage-parlors that he visited.
- After a 15 yrs'. absence it should be quite a refreshing review.
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