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Old 19th October 2015, 09:25 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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Sex Listings: Problems With "Quick Search"

This is about the part of the Sex Listings search by location feature which is now labeled "Quick: Search listings within (5, 10, 25, 50, 100) miles of you." This is essentially a "geolocation search," which is what I'll call it below.

It seems that web browser updates that came through for Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer starting around October 16 is sometimes disabling the programming I used for the geolocation search a few years ago. Keith had tested from the Mac and iPhone and I had tested with Windows, typically with the most common web browsers. We had seldom tested in Opera or other browsers because they were always a very small percentage of our users.

FWIW, the Mac I from Keith, the late founder of this site, is no longer operational and I don't have access to a Mac or any other iOS device with Safari right now.

If someone with a Mac and/or iPhone could read the following and reply with some feedback on this problem - do you have the problem, etc. - I'd be very grateful.

Originally, the geolocation search had worked on my Android phone and Keith's iPhone with no problems, although the results varied slightly if you had GPS and/or Location Services on or off.

On laptop and desktop web browsers, it generally had a pop-up dialog from the browser asking if you would share your location with the site. Wording varied, depending on your browser. You could share with the site for one time or for "always," allowing you not to have the pop-up dialog come back if you use the search more than once.

For me, it worked on October 17. When I checked it today, October 19 it did not work. I tried Chrome, Firefox, and IE and either the pop-up dialog did not appear or else it went by so quickly that I could not click on it.

For Chrome the geolocation search is still working without problems on my phone. However, on my laptop it did not work until I changed the "Settings" subsection to allow ALL SITES. I do not recommend this.

For Firefox the geolocation search did not work on my laptop and also no longer worked on my phone.

For Internet Explorer, the geolocation search did not work on my laptop.

I worked on this issue for several hours today but have not yet resolved it. I had to move on to other work and personal matters. My goal is to come up with a new version of the search that will work at least as good as it did before tomorrow, October 19.

I'm also aware that our current programming for this search on laptops and desktops uses geolocation data related to US Zip Codes. It does not have other countries in the dataset and even in the US is less accurate than the mobile search. I hope to improve the search by relying on a latitude/longitude calculation instead of the geo-zip one built into the program. That upgrade may take longer, or it may be part of the solution to this problem.

And finally, I'm know all too well of the larger problems using the site on mobile devices and the need to update software, design, etc. Unfortunately I am still in the "putting out fires" mode and there's a new fire every day.

If you have problems with the geolocation search that I haven't already mentioned, please reply below to let me know. That would be better than sending an email through the "contact info" link.

I will report back tomorrow on my progress.

Bob ~ Manager/Editor
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Old 21st October 2015, 11:20 AM
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An update on this: My duties as a caregiver and my work with the sites' daily content updates prevented me from returning to this problem until yesterday evening.

I was able to locate possible solutions but have not yet written the code to implement one of them. I also located the source for our GeoIP database (MaxMind, if anyone is interested) and I intend to get an updated file that will include non-US locations.

Unfortunately, there are medical appointments this afternoon. When I return I must work on the daily content updates for the Sex Listings and the Escort site, then return to this problem either today or tomorrow -- if no other crises intervene.

Thanks very much for your patience and support!

Bob ~ Manager/Editor
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Old 22nd October 2015, 10:16 PM
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Very quickly, I have been testing a new version of the geolocation process this evening. The new version appears to work on Firefox on both my phone and laptop but not with Chrome on either. It still does not work with IE. Also, I haven't heard from any Apple/iOS users.

This is very disappointing to me and I'm considering what to do next. I'm also continuing to juggle other responsibilities, including caregiving, personal responsibilities, and the daily and weekly updates for the sites.

I reemphasize that I apologize for the onging problems here and that I'm grateful for your patience.

Bob ~ Manager/Editor
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Old 28th October 2015, 09:34 PM
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I've just updated the functions associated with the Quick Search so that they are now working on all of my browsers and platforms. This includes:
  • Windows, in my case 8.1 using the latest available versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer
  • Android, in my case Lollipop on Samsung, using the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox
As I've said before, I currently don't have access to any Mac or iOS devices. I have not heard from any Mac, iPhone, or iPad users about whether they've had the problem or not. If you have had it, I hope this resolves it for you -- so far.

I say "so far" and "my browsers" because I still have to update the database table used for geolocation. The functions locate me correctly near Houston, but they probably will not work accurately for everyone.

This work is not yet done. The update will help improve the Quick Search, but there will always be some IP addresses that will not resolve. However, it will include locations from many countries outside the US.

Bob S. ~ Manager/Editor
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Old 21st November 2015, 12:49 PM
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Said "couldn't find my location". What can I do?
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Old 23rd November 2015, 12:11 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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Originally Posted by traderjohn View Post
Said "couldn't find my location". What can I do?
traderjohn, you're not doing anything wrong. It's a problem in the system that I need to fix.

I have a new copy of the database that matches IP addresses to locations. Unfortunately I have not yet had time to convert it to a format that I can load into the web site's database.

Even when can I do this, the results might not be accurate. Different web sites produce different results. For example, I am located in a suburb of Houston, Texas. Here are three web sites that claim to locate me:
  1. IP Location This actually gives locations from five different databases. Using my wi-fi, the first one, which is commonly used, places me in New Jersey, but without the latitude and longitude needed by our software. Two others place me in my suburb, but also without the latitude and longitude. Two give me a latitude and longitude, one in Houston and one in my suburb, both a few miles away.

    Using my phone, it places me in Louisiana unless I make sure the location service on my phone is on. You might check that.

  2. What Is My IP Address? This one gives only one result, but from my wi-fi it is not only the correct suburb but also the correct latitude and longitude. It shows my exact location on a MapQuest Map.

    Likewise, on my phone this one also places me in Louisiana unless the location service is turned on.

The data I'll be using is the best free one I can find, free because my budget is limited. I will update it as soon as I can but it's hard to put a date on that given competing priorities and emergencies.

My best advice is if you're on a mobile device make sure you're location service is on. If you're on a laptop or desktop you will be prompted to share your location. You have to agree or else the site won't be able to even try to locate you. In either case, the results are imperfect but they will be getting better.

Thanks for the feedback. So many people don't say anything, positive or negative, and it helps so much to hear from people what works and what doesn't. I'm very grateful for that.

Bob S. ~ Manager/Editor
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Old 3rd August 2017, 10:35 PM
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I was wondering do you think me and you could hook up I have a little sex together I never been with a man but I want to be with one I got a virgin ass so if you want to piece of that just let me know I'd like to have a little of that cock you got
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Old 4th August 2017, 11:32 AM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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Originally Posted by mcgg274823 View Post
I was wondering do you think me and you could hook up I have a little sex together I never been with a man but I want to be with one I got a virgin ass so if you want to piece of that just let me know I'd like to have a little of that cock you got
Thanks for the compliment, if that's directed to me. But you're in South Carolina and I'm in Texas! Check out a guy's Profile before you post.

You might also want to post your own pics in the Cruiser Gallery to get a little more attention.

Also, a hook-up is off-topic for this discussion, which is about the Sex Listings "Quick Search" and any problems or questions cruisers have finding places near them. Next time, please post in a separate discussion or start one yourself under the South Carolina section.

Bob S. ~ Manager/Editor
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Old 13th September 2017, 09:19 AM
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After a browser upgrade not long ago I noticed that when I visited the Sex Listings or the CFS Home Page it was no longer asking me if I wanted to "share my location."

I didn't have time to check this out then but I came back to it yesterday.

Sure enough, the "Quick Search" that relies on knowing where you're located is no longer working. I think this was caused by some recent set of security updates.

I assume this isn't just for me. If it does for anyone please let me know ASAP.

For me, this is happening on my laptop computer, my phone, and my tablet in all web browsers. It doesn't make a difference, even though it did work earlier in 2017.

Because I'm working on the upgrade to new software, I won't have time to fix the old "Quick Search" again, too. I'm sorry about that, but it's one more priority that has to fall behind while I focus on what's most important.

I cannot express how frustrating I find this. Yesterday I was fuming, pretty much at wit's end. Today I'm ready to carry on.

What does this mean for now?

As soon as I can -- among all the other things -- I'll remove the broken "Quick Search" from the upper section.

Searching for places close to you, wherever you are, is the heart of where I want the Sex Listings to be. You can be sure I'll be working even harder on the software upgrade now.

Bob S. ~ Manager/Editor
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Old 13th September 2017, 10:59 AM
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Using Firefox I am no longer getting the "share your location" pop up when I log in and Quick Search says "Sorry, we could not determine your location."

So it is not just you...
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Old 14th September 2017, 10:41 AM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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Originally Posted by jonn3 View Post
Using Firefox I am no longer getting the "share your location" pop up when I log in and Quick Search says "Sorry, we could not determine your location."

So it is not just you...
Firefox is my primary browser, although I also use Chrome and Edge. That's exactly how I first noticed the problem.
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Old 5th February 2018, 01:59 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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I determined the reason why Quick Search isn't working is that last Fall the browser standards changed to require geolocation requests to be only on pages secured with an "https" connection. Since we don't have that at CFS right now, it caused the process to fail.

I'm adding this as one more requirement to resolve as part of the software upgrade, hopefully sooner rather than later.

It's also possible to guesstimate user locations based on the IP address cross-referenced to a zipcode table, but that's a bit muddier. Some of the databases I've seen to do that are close to 95% accurate, some are much worse. One I looked at insisted I was in eastern Kansas, another said I was in New Jersey. Several did find me within five miles of my actual Houston-area location.

Of course, all these "improvements" take both manpower and money. At the moment CFS has a cash-flow crunch, so I'm doing prep work in the meantime.
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Old 8th February 2018, 10:25 AM
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Thanks for the update -

The software and hardware companies keep having to change and reinvent the wheel to keep us buying new versions - does not matter if we need it or not!
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