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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Riverside & San Bernardino Co's.   TBTS (Total Body Therapy Spa) San Bernardino not licensed as a bathouse or sex club

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Old 27th November 2006, 02:27 AM
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TBTS (Total Body Therapy Spa) San Bernardino not licensed as a bathouse or sex club

One of the day clerks told me that the club is renting from the previous occupants which operated a regular day spa on the premises. I am guess this place may be short lived if the local heath department for San Bernardino county decides to inspect the premises. I feel sorry for those that might be there when the place is "raided". It seems as was also explained to me that there is a regular drug crowd which is there most every hour of the day or night. When their shift is up they leave to have dinner or whatever and then come back for another 12 hours. This place isn't quite as fun as I had hoped... An added note, don't use the jacuzzi, they never put clorine in it!
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Old 27th November 2006, 09:38 PM
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Sounds more like a licensing issue with either the city or county.

If it has to do with the licensing, know that in my city that the business lisence department (or the county health department) do not have police officers on their staffs to "raid" the place. After all, the club collects memberships for a "private club" and we are protected under California law on what we do sexually in private doubt there would be any "raids" due to their licensing. One inspector would come during regular city business hours for an inspection. Without doing a city hall search for San Bernardino, I am guessing that would be Monday through Friday like 8am to 5pm. A warning would be issued to the owner or operator due to licensing violations.

Since a new bathouse hasn't opened up in California in decades ... I was hoping this place would make it. But from their web site:
the facility looked a little "below standards" to any baths that I have been to - I know of no other club that has a portable whirlpool tub setting in a room or one of those home version of a 2-man sauna that plugs into the wall. The "gym" with home equipment gotten from the Goodwin Store. The next page has more features with the place looking like someone's auntie had decorated it - the pool table room and snack bar.

I opted not to check out the club as it appears to be a place that I wouldn't want to be hanging.
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Old 28th November 2006, 12:44 AM
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I don't know what clubs you have been to in the L.A. area that have much higher standards but I think you would have a better impression of the place if you were to actually go there and see it. It's like reviewing a movie you haven't seen. A snapshot of a couple of corners of the interior does not do it justice. True, their gym equipment is not top-notch but they don't even have to provide it. It's there if you want to use it. If not, then ignore it. Please visit them and then let us know what you think of it.

I was told the previous business at their location was a medical practice, not a day spa. That is why some of the rooms are still labeled "Exam Room 1, etc". I don't believe day spas would have exam rooms. Also, the clerk may not accurately understand the details of their business license. It's hard enough just communicating with some of them in English.
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Old 28th November 2006, 12:54 AM
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The clerk I spoke with worked the grave yard hours during the week. He told me that he was looking for work elsewhere. He is degreed and speaks excellent english since he is from the U.S. and was the cutest guy that I have ever seen working there as well as probably the youngest. What I do not understand is why a medical office would have a jacuzzi, steam room and dry sauna. I have only seen those in day spas. The lobby area however does remind me of a Maxicare office. He told me that they were renting from the previous occupants of the building. I do not remember now if "day spa" was the exact words he used, but it certainly would fit the premises. It might have also been a physical therapy practice also. I guess we will never know...
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Old 28th November 2006, 10:32 AM
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Yes, I know I have never been there .... BUT I am NOT going to be paying money for a membership to be hanging at a place that looks like someone's auntie had decorated the place with knick-knack crap all over the place like shown in the pool table room and then the snack bar area on their web site! I have been in many bathhouses in this country and none have looked like that!

Yes, I know the reason for bathhouses are for sex ...but the surroundings (for me) have to be up to par.

MANTA ( ) lists 45 million companies in the United States. I have been able to pull up: HOLLYWOOD SPA, FLEX COMPOUND, ROMAN HOLIDAY, and MIDTOWNE SPA in LA and then CHUTE in Phoenix, also VULCAN and the MUSTANG SPA in San Diego - but it pulls up NOTHING for "TOTAL BODY THERAPY SPA" or even "TOTAL BODY THERAPY" in San Bernardino. Anyone seen a business license posted there? I was going to e-mail the club to ask them, but on their page that says "Contact TBT"
( )
it says, " If you have any questions regarding our facility and/or membership and prices, please contact us using the following email address. We will get back to you as soon as time permits."
But NO e-mail address is even listed!!!

Something is real, real fishy about this place!
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Old 28th November 2006, 10:51 AM
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Thanks for the info on but I wonder how up to date their site is. They may list Club Mustang but the Mustang no longer exists under that name and hasn't for a couple of years now I think. I couldn't even find the incorporated company that I work for on their site.

Do you have any ideas for their decor on what they should add or remove that would make it more appealing? That's a serious question, I'm not trying to be argumentative. I agree with your opinion on some of their decor but I do like the homey feel the place has.
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Old 28th November 2006, 11:34 AM
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Meant to say "CLUB 2200" instead of "THE MUSTANG SPA" for San Diego ... name had slipped me when typing the reply.

For the fun of it, I also ran names of companies that friends' own on MANTA... successful on pulling those up. Then ran names of businesses here in town ... pulled up every single one I had entered. No clue where MANTA gets their information. TBT has been around the awhile to have some public information on them. I wouldn't think of contacting the city of San Bernardino nor the county health department to be getting them in trouble.

Personally, I find knick-knacks as decorations all over the place to be tacky .... who was the artist that said, "Less is more"? My Aunt Dixie had knick-knacks all over the place ....maybe it is something I relate to older people's decorating. One nice art piece will attract my eye ... as opposed to multiple of junk all over the place. If I am going to hang in a place for several hours ... I want to feel comfortable there.
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Old 29th November 2006, 10:49 AM
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They are not licensed as a bathhouse or sex club because there is no such classification for businesses in San Bernardino. Their license (or business registration certificate as they are called in San Bernardino) is classifified under "Physical Culture", license #910112. This is all public information you can get over the phone. Maybe that is the closest classification title they could get. It's not fair to assume the worst or jump to conclusions about someone or their business and be guessing that they are not legit.
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Old 29th November 2006, 11:49 AM
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I didn't start the post ...I assumed that San Bernardino didn't have a "bathhhouse classification" nor "sex club" as they never had such a business there before. What was just odd to me that I couldn't pull TBT up on the business listings (MANTA) with 45 million USA companies - that pulled up other bathouses such as FLEX, HOLLYWOOD SPA, and ROMAN HOLIDAY.

The original poster was hysterical that the club was going to be raided by police with customers there, while it would have just been a licensing violation (that is, if there WAS a violation).

With more bathhouses disappearing in California (CLUB PALM SPRINGS in recent years ....SERPENT 8 BATHS in Burbank, CORAL CLUB BATHS In North Hollywood, GLEN'S TURKISH BATHS in North Hollywood, East LA, Wilmington, and Fresno, SILVER SADDLE SPA in Silverlake, the original 1350 CLUB in Long Beach (was moved to Wilmington in one of GLEN'S TURKISH BATH closed locations), THE WELLINGTON CLUB in Wilmington, CYPRESS BATHS in Silverlake, 8709 BATHS in West Hollywood, "Y" BATHS in Hollywood, ROUGES in West Hollywood, SPARTAN SPA STEAM BATHS in Hollywood, then in San Diego both GEMINI BATHS and DAVE'S BATHS disappeared. Then ALL the bathhouses were closed in San Francisco in the early 1980s) - TBT is the first new one to open up in recent years (another club also opened in Portland OR).
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Old 29th November 2006, 09:15 PM
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My last comment was directed more towards the original poster. I agree that talking about a "raid" because of licensing is quite an extreme reaction when in reality there is unlikely to be anything wrong. The claim about a regular drug "crowd" at every hour was also very unfair to make. (If the place is often as empty as so many claim, how could there be so many drug users there anyway?). I am a regular visitor, I know almost all of the other regulars, and I know there is not a drug "problem" there. Of course there are drug users in every club but the situation at TBT is nothing close to the situation descibed in the first post. At other clubs I'm often asked "do you party?". That doesn't happen to me at TBT. I'd prefer all the drug users stay the hell out of TBT. Also, if I were to stay 12 hours, leave, then come back later, I would hope that is not a sign of drug use as the original post implies. I might as well address the jacuzzi comment, too. I'm glad they don't put chlorine in it, it's an irritant to many people. To compensate, they completely drain and scrub the jacuzzi every morning.

I didn't realize that S. Calif. had such an extensive bath history. I wish more of them were still around. More to choose from would be nice.
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Old 29th November 2006, 10:25 PM
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I was lucky enough to have visited a few of the clubs I listed before they closed. Now sort of wished I had visited more of them. Forgot there was MAC in Silverlake too.

The 1st baths I went to was in New York City (afraid to go to the baths in LA, popped in while on a trip to NYC) - was the CONTINENTAL BATHS - where Bette Midler began her career:

Here's a history of gay baths:
(thanks to link on TBT site)

I found sometimes people give a lousy review or fictious report of a place because they ended up not scoring on their visit. Especially if you aren't from the area, driven there and back, and spent money without having sex, the reason you headed there in the first place.

The smallest baths in LA is on the westside of town, ROMAN HOLIDAY on Venice Blvd. I go about 4 or 5 times per year ...and usually have a good time. Not the most perfect club in the world, sometimes the radio station is on through the lousy sound system and sometimes it is not. Club is too brightly lite and a series of deadend hallways. One Friday evening the club wasn't at all that busy, I left without having an encounter. But any cruising anywhere is HIT-OR-MISS. Few weeks later I went on a Tuesday during the day and ended up having a good time.
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Old 29th November 2006, 11:09 PM
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I was in Roman Holiday on Venice last Sunday night. Actually had a good time. Like they say, it's not the size of the place, it's how you use it. (Or something like that).
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Old 30th November 2006, 02:13 PM
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The Place Is Licensed!!!

The business is indeed licensed. It does not matter if the owner of the business is leasing or for that matter, sub-leasing the property from another person or company. TBT in no way can lease or sub-lease a business license.

TBT is registered to xxxxx who also operates a dog grooming salon on North Sierra at 42nd Street, also in San Bernardino.

As far as patrons not liking the place, or the hired help offering their opinions about the business, they are just that...opinions.

If you file a Freedom of Information request with the City of San Bernardino Clerk's office, all of the information as it pertains to the buisness license is available for a nominal fee.

Unless the city changes section B197 of the Business Code Classification, TBT remains as Physical Culture, similar to a health club such as 24hr Fitness.

If you don't like the place, that's ok, but I assure you the business is indeed licensed as required by the City of San Bernardino. Check it out for yourself.

I'm not connected in ayway with the owner of the business or property, but am aware of TBT and the license it holds.

I was inside once for a viewing, and to me, TBT does not appear to be anything wrong with it. Granted, my visit was during the day and I did not see other patrons present.

As long as the holder of the business license stays within the parameters of the classification, Physical Culture, the business is complying with the business code.

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Old 2nd December 2006, 07:14 PM
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I posted my comments on the Los Angeles area page for the same place.
They offer a free tour and 1 hour pass weekdays so you can check it out and if you don't like it, you don't have to stay.
The clerk when I went about a month ago on a Friday was very friendly and cute. The guys there were friendly.
No matter where I am...I am always Cruising for Sex!
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Old 2nd December 2006, 08:14 PM
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Here's the free tour offer:

>>>T.b.t Free Tour Monday To Friday 10am To 3pm
PLEASE BE 18 + & BRING I.D.<<<
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