xviewer, your comments are so ridiculous that I don't have time to counter all of the insane points you're trying to make, most of the readers can do that for themselves.
It's truly sad when Americans think that all of our problems with blood thirsty Muslims are all our President's fault. You think that when the Islamic terrorists took hostages at the Munich Olympics in 1972 that GWB had something to do with that? How about the Iran hostage crisis in 1979? Probably some plot by the Bushes to make money off of oil, huh? How about in 1983 when some peace loving Muslims crashed a truck full of explosives into a barracks in Beirut killing 241 sleeping Marines? That was probably because GWB lied about something, everyone knows. And to suggest that GWB caused in some way 911… There are too many instances throughout history of Muslim evil to list. Go here to see if all for yourself. www.crimsonbird.com/terrorism/timeline.htm Why can't you sissy Democrats see that were fighting for our very survival against people who want you dead? Maybe you can sleep at night knowing that Democratic leaders would rather send terrorists a strongly worded letter, but as for me I think God that our President has the balls to fight and defend us. If it weren’t for men throughout history with the guts to defend our nation you'd be living under a German dictator or be calling yourself a British subject. You liberals really scare me. |
Conde Rice is just a smarter Bush in a dress. That's why the democrats don't like her. She dishes out the same rhetoric that Bush does.....only she pronounces her words correctly and doesn't stutter. They both say........ !. Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. 2. The war in Iraq is justified. 3. The war is going great! We're kicking ass. 4. American soldiers who have died in Iraq have saved us from terrorism and have not died in vain. 5. We are winning the war on terror. 6. Other countries think we are great and are behind us 100%. Obviously they don't live on the same planet that the rest of us do. |
Stud, you make some good points, but the reply that x viewer made on my last post were .........way out in left field.
It reminded me of the retoric that the ultra liberal establishment gets together and recites in unison. The news media sucks it up and replay's it several times to program all the zombie followers........xviewer and his type. (no offense x. I still bet u are sexy) in point 1 of my last post when I spoke of money ...that was meaning PERSONAL WEALTH. PEOPLE THAT HAVE INVESTED PERSONAL FUNDS. Republicans being more pro buisness attract those that seek to preserve/promote personal wealth from investments-----that doesnt include a savings account at a bank! We are in debt of course because of the war. However , if you look at history, spending money by the government and increasing the national debt is what gets things moving again in the economy. What pulled us out of the great depression----government spending and DEBT. Check it out in your history book . The same has happened before with wars/conflicts too. If the screwball from Tennesse (Gore) had won the election, 911 would have still happened.( he couldnt even carry his OWN STATE!) Those ISLAMIC extremist bastards would have still carried out the plan. I dont know that AL could have handled it as well as GEORGE. maybe, maybe not WE will never know. Going back to the economy, the smart decision was made by Ronald Reagan to appoint Alan Greenspan to the federal reserve. The man is a genius! He is the reason that we had the longest period of economic growth in this country. This also shows how damn smart Bill Clinton is since he KEPT Greenspan in his position. Appointed by a Republican, a stupid democrat would have sent him packing. Not Bill. Smarter than most he is This was surely a decision that his dick didnt make! Going back to stud's comments in my ramblings. Of course Conde and George talk in unison. Arent you that way with your boss? Of course we all know that 2 & 3 depend on what day it is. I doubt we are kickin ass but things are not as bad as the media makes it out to be. I truly belive that the majority of the media hate George Bush and do lean toward the left.. I am open minded my self and am college educated. I took a stab at journalism with a college newspaper. Those folks are left field at the college level and that extends to the mainstream media. 4) Amerian soldiers have NOT died in vain. They have kept terrorism off the streets in America by providing a theatere for the Radicals to fight Americans in the middle east. The more nuts they shoot over there the less they are to come over here! 5 no we are not winning the war on terror. A big dent in the war is when that Ben-laden asshole is hung by his balls 6. no, not a whole lot of countries are 100% behind us because we cannot protect them from terrorists. Many want to stay out of it and the FRENCH want to make a buck off of it! What friends they are to us. After all, they owe us alot. We are the reason that they dont speak GERMAN today! I no longer drink french wine!!!
40 something, 6' 175 brn/brn hairy looking for other married wm or younger guys to play. |
You've touched on too many subjects there.....rambling about.
We already have personal investment accounts......they are called 401Ks. Anybody can open one. We actually had record budget surpluses when Clinton was in office. Now we have record deficits with Bush there spending billions on this unpopular, unjustified war. |
thanks jojo for giving a second example of extremist right responses to opposing view points. your lack of focus and inane examples reinforce my point.
btw, while reading through the thread i was reminded of how lacking in character these posts have become from the thoughtless right. please give an example of when/where i ever established myself as i liberal. i simply said, in one post, that these extreme positions of hatred and focus pushed me a little left of center. this insanity of screaming LIBERAL as if it's a bad word reminds me of 5th grade bullies who yelled faggot that those who didnt move in line with "majority". shameful. btw, im a registered republican here. wake up! there are more and more of us who have a problem with the bulldozer like approach of this administration and it's supporters who don't have balls enough to accept opposing viewpoints.
xviewer |
Thank you Ronald Reagan. He's the one who started all this conservative and liberal crap. PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE. One has one idea and view and another has the right to have his own opinion. All this labeling is just a bunch of Republican....HOLLIER THAN THOU....crap.
They are against gay marriage, but pro divorce, mistresses and religious right. They need to turn the mirror and spotlight on themselves instead of deflecting it on others. Let's outlaw divorce......and make the republicans stick with what they promised GOD they'd love and obey. Let's outlaw abortion and make the republicans have to adopt 4 extra children per family. THEY'D BE SINGING A DIFFERENT TUNE THEN BROTHER. |
The scariest thing about the "Bush lied" BS is how it so clearly demonstrates the ignorance of the person who utters the statement. If W did, then so did blessed "I feel your pain" Bill, Blair, Chirac, Kofi (where did you say Angola is located?) Annan, and Schroeder, Barbara Boxer, and Kerry. Just google the quote, don't take my word for it.
But be that abstraction what it may, let us consider the more practical consequence to the (gay) males in the newly reorganized Islamic Republics of France, Britain, Spain, and Germany. There are going to be a lot of men who will either get their throats slit by these peace loving people, or the better alternative, in my humble opinion, we will finally get to see a lot of good looking European hunks getting circumcised, at long last. Your foreskin or your life. Think about it boys, that's what the liberal appeasers face. And I hear they don't use anesthesia. Now do you see a practical reason to fight back? Appeasement=Circumcision! What self respecting gay man could EVER go along with that alternative? (Actually, if history serves me correctly, the last time the Europeans fought for their foreskins was in 1492, when Isabella of Spain decided she had had enough (or not enough, as the case might be) with the Arabs, and got rid of lot in Spain.) |
Wow. There may be hope for this board yet.
The sick, vile culture known as ISLAM is responsible for the problems in the world right now, not GWB. He's doing all he can to fight it, and sadly I believe we'll have to go nuclear at some point before it gets better. The seeds of this war were sewn in '98, on Clinton's watch, and on Carter's watch, for that matter. FINALLY, we have a leader who recognizes the threat as THEE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE TO THIS COUNTRY, and is doing something about it. What is mind boggling are the nitwits still crying "bush lied bush lied". Say what? ![]() Quote:
Good reply roccosiffredi!
The other thing that gets me about the Bush lied thing is that during the Clinton years and the Sr Bush years, it was a popluar belief from intelligence that Sadam had WMD. We know he used GAS during the Kuwaiit issue in the early 90's . Maybe he did not have them anymore but he had constantly blocked and manipulated the UN people that were trying to verify such. I can remember the news reports of the evidence they found during the first conflict with Sr Bush at the helm. I can also remember Clinton saying that SADAM had WMD's. Maybe these brainwashed YOUNG democratic followers were too young to remember those reports and they eat up the lies that are being fed to them in the name of POLITICS. And no, I do not consider myself a republican. I do not vote a party ticket. I vote for the best of the choices. If the democrats had chosen Joe Liberman to run on their ticket he would have gotten my vote. He is the only one on the left side of the isle that says anything that makes sense. He has intregrity too!
40 something, 6' 175 brn/brn hairy looking for other married wm or younger guys to play. |
and further, I remain unconvinced that Hussein hasn't, in fact, effectively hidden and/or cast off the WMDs he had, and which remain to be found. He has a history of this -- during Gulf War I he hid a chunk of his air force in Iran, which had then until only recently been his mortal enemy. And this time around he had even more willing allies to give him a hand in the WMD shellgame, not just the Iranians, but the Syrians, Russians, French and possibly the Chinese as well. And the Baath party thugs who've managed to evade capture have done a more than adequate job of killing and/or intimidating the scientists (and their families) who were involved with the Iraqi weapons program from spilling the beans on where the weapons are, or what became of them. For my money, they're in Syria and, probably, Russia.
In short, simply because the WMDs haven't yet been found, it does not logically follow that it was all a "LIE" on the part of GWB (and for that matter, Clinton, Blair, Allbright, GHWB, Gore, Berger, Baker, Rice, Powell, the Kuwaitis, or the Iranians... and the list goes on) to claim emphatically that those weapons existed until recently. I'm not a big fan of the war in Iraq -- not because Hussein didn't deserve toppling -- he DID -- but rather because the bog down has left us more vulverable to the even greater threats that both the Chinese and CRAZY North Koreans present to us. But that's what we get for trying to fight a war with the overarching milktoast philosophy of "political correctness" and "winning hearts and minds" of sworn enemies (and a fundementally anti-Western culture), rather than defeating them thunderously, soundly and by bringing them to their knees begging for mercy. We needed modern-day Shermans and Pattons to end this thing, not PC and kumbaya. |
All Islam people are not terrorists.....just some. Now we are bogged down in Iraq........with no end in sight. Things just keep getting worse....because Bush has no vision beyond 2 weeks time.
Sadam was bad, but so are the leaders of about 15 other countries in the world. Bush from day one knew that he wanted to go after Sadam. After all, they tried to murder his father when he was president. Iraq had nothing to do with the world trade center. This is my last message on this post. Some of you guys will never be convinced that Bush made an error. He is your God. If he shot you at your front door.....you'd still say it was ok. If he fucked your teenage sister......it would be ok. If your brother was in Iraq and got killed.....it would be fine. I don't think an atomic bomb........would convince some of you buttheads otherwise. |
Guys, everyone here knows that no one is going to convince anyone else here that their point is best, wisest, or most correct -- not the dyed-in-the-wool lib Dems hanging out here, not the dogmatic Bush followers, nor us libertarians. So with that, on one point -- and ONLY one -- will I agree with the last writer: this is MY last post in this thread, as well.
To return to the original thread topic. I hope the wild life in Atlanta hasn't breathed its last gasp. It'll be great when consenting adults will once again be able to party on without the city nannies or the police busting down doors and peeking under everyone's sheets. See ya, dudes... |
How did this topic go from Atlanta being dead to GWB and Iraq? Lordhammercyjesus I don't get it. I am not for or agains GWB, nor do I think the city leaders of Atl are anything other than trying to do what they can in a very crazy economy and a very real global economy shift. Yeah, I truly think Bush is a very real idiot, but not one person here can do anything about it, so..... CAN WE FREAKING MOVE ON AND JUST WAIT OUT THE TERM? I am so sick of people blaming him for everyfuckinlittle bitch and gripe they got. I didn't vote for him but for the love of everything holy GET THE FUCK OVER IT OR GO AWAY. It's annoying as hell. It's as if you bitched and complained about the weather--what can you do about it?
Now, on to the TOPIC. Why is Atlanta dead for sex? Hmm....it's not for me, and it really never went away--it simply changed. It's called gentrification. A lot of young folks look at it differently than us older folk do. Honestly--who cares that the T-rooms and toilets are not cruisey? The thought of sex in a public toilet never really tickled me, and it must not do that for a lot of others, as it's down all over. the country. The religious right didn't kill it. YOU DID. You did when you didn't care who walked in, or thought anybody in there was fair game and stroked your dick for anybody in there. NEWSFLASH: Straight folk are offended by that. Net result: Police crackdowns. Thanks. So the sex clubs closed. Did they? You think Flex is buying the city leaders? HA! They follow the rules. They don't flaunt them, they follow them. Their facility is up to all safety codes, and it's irrelevant if a club is a "private" club or not, it's still subject to building safety codes. I have represented some of the owners of the clubs that shut down. I still represent a few in other cities. I can tell you that in Atlanta, it's common for them to run the place like an ATM for their drug habits. Getting sloppy will get you killed, or destroy your business. Running a club like this is a low cost, low overhead easy avenue to make money (cold hard cash, if you know what I mean), so long as it's run as a business and not as a Meth Habit Machine, or as a personal kingdom for the owners insatiable appetite for sex. I know at least two clubs that went out of buisiness becuase they went backrupt and did so with *a full, cash paying crowd* every night. Think how that could be possible. Don't blame Shirley, or the CEO of Dekalb county, or the Scarecrow or the guy next door who never opens his shades, or the cop on the street. These owners are at fault, plain and simple for the clubs, and morons like us are responsible for the public areas getting more attention. |
How did we get here? Simple. Atlanta IS dead! Slaughtered by self rightgeous, bible thumping, I feel your pain LIBBERALS of it democratic persuasion! It may be politically incorrect to EVER acuse anyone of color of having an evil thought, but goddamit, those fucken faggot, hammersexuhls have wrecked this citty. Well, to be fair, us faggots screwin in the bushes of Piedmont Park or elsewhere do tend to scare the women, small dogs, and children. But the reality is, the dem/libs have set themselves up as the icon of self righteousness, and in reality, they are as ugly as the ugliest of the anti black, anti Jew, anti northerner, anti gay, bible thumpen baptists out there. Its just that most of us faggots cannot see through the smoke screen. Takes too much time, effort, and thinking to do so, so let CBS do the thinking for us
So, Shirley clamps down on the Belvedere theater, and trashes that nice Phillapina (sp?) owner, and the Emory/Twink crowd screams Bush lied on this BB. Even if there was a modicum of truth in the statement, that foaming at the mouth twink is still gonna get his head busted by some black cop who voted for Kerry, for jacken off with another guy in a semi public place. So: Reality check. Bush didn't lie, and you are one hell of a lot safer living here in these evil US of A than in Europe. And the people you have been voting for, those ass holes who "feel your pain" ain't gonna come to your aid if a cop busts into your bedroom while your sucking Bruce's cock. They are the same garbage as the Cobb Co. bible thumping Baptists (Methodists ain't much better, but they can read). Wake up boys. It's a nasty world out there. Fuck a guy in the ass without a rubber, you're AIDS meat, and it isn't W or Cheny's fault, it's your own. Dump some sperm on the floor at the porno flix, you get your picture on the sex offender web page, thank you Shirley and Campbell. Nuff said, I need to beat off. THAT is how we got here. Dr Danny |
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