It's been awhile since I seen info on this topic, and I know that initial reactions will likely be, WHY BOTHER, but I am curious....
Let's hear some stories on picking up guys at straight bars...or even better, what ways do you find are successful and what ways are not....
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Seriously, WHY BOTHER?
Sure, there is an immense ego-boost attached to this. Few would dispute that. Yet, when you come to think about it, str8 dudes really do not go around messing with other guys. That's why they are called str8 and not gay or bi-curious or anything else. So, the ego-boost is more of an imaginative gain than anything else. I have tried few times, obviously having too much time at my hands and being curious to a fault. I did score a grand total of two hot dudes over the years, who apparently had been str8 before and for all I knew, returned to that state afterwards. Frankly, all of it was much ado about nothing. Sex was pretty mediocre. Definitely, not worth the effort I had put into landing a str8 dude. But, hey, I sure tried. Besides, if it is only for an ONS, who would wish to put all the time and energy needed into something you can easily get almost anywhere? If you see a 'further prospective' like in a fuck buddy, you are facing two old questions: How straight is straight, if it is more than a one time experiment? Do you really want to be on the sidelines of his respectable 'hetero-life'? Or do you want to have your fair share of fun, too? Just some food for thought, I guess... KD ![]()
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One word, prisons. Prisons are full of str8 guys that have sex with other guys. Other than that I'd say you're shit out of luck.
I guess it depends on your definition of str8. There's plenty of "str8" guys running around out there that claim str8ness, they just like having sex with men. My definition of str8 is a guy that ONLY has sex with women.
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I usually have to chuckle to myself whenever somebody thinks going to a straight bar is a cool way to pick up straight men. I suppose you might get lucky and hit on a straight guy who is gay friendly. It could happen that way ... if you are lucky. But, if a straight guy is "that" gay friendly, he just might be a closeted gay male passing as straight or he might even be a closeted bisexual male passing as straight. But, you just never know until you try your luck in a straight bar or club. Okay, here are some tips on picking up straight guys in straight bars/clubs.
If you go to a straight bar or club, look for the handsome guy(s) dancing with fat, overweight women. There's a 50/50 chance he might be gay, bi or gay friendly. Fat and overweight women have a well-earned notoriety for dancing with gay men. If she happens to be Coyote Ugly, that is also a good tipoff he might be gay, bi or gay friendly. Another tipoff is the guy himself. If he looks like a US Marine, has drop dead good looks and a body to match, he just might be gay, bi or gay friendly. If he is dancing with a fat, overweight or coyote ugly women, it's almost a sure bet he might be gay, bi or gay friendly. Next. If you use the urinals in the men's restroom at a straight bar, check out the guy next to you to see if he shaves his pubes. Be discreet about this. Don't tip your hand and smile at him while he is taking a leak because it might make him feel uncomfortable while he is attempting to pee into the urinal. And, remember, if he shakes his dick more than three times after finishing peeing at the urinal, he just might be fastidious in his personal hygience practices. Lastly, it is usually considered bad manners to ask him if you can help him hold his "pee-pee" while he is in a midstream pee at the urinal. Now, if he offers to hold your "pee-pee", that is probably a good tip he might be gay, bi or gay friendly. Happy hunting at the straight bars and clubs.
Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. And, under a just God, cannot long retain it. -- Abraham Lincoln
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"One word, prisons. Prisons are full of str8 guys that have sex with other guys. Other than that I'd say you're shit out of luck."
Having spent 6 years in prison. I can say from personal experience there isn't nearly as much sex going on there as people like to think. The "conventional wisdom" is that if someone fucks around in the first 5 years, the tendencies were there already.
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![]() Some guys would consider mutual jo or even oral as being just 2 guys being friendly. Some Middle Eastern men would consider themselves as not gay if they are always the tops. It's interesting how this topic always come around when gays do idle chat. I'm sure many of us bi guys would prefer to identify as being straight when we started fooling around with men. As long as we stay being tops, there's no problem. But soon as we let our lust take over and we fall for another top and bottoms for him, suddenly the perception changes. we are penetrated, we are fucked, we are bottom...well you read all the stories. Somehow being straight is valued more by most gay men. So who's straight and who's gay in a straight bar, seriously how can you ever tell if he don't confess? ![]() Of course most guys can't tell and really as long as both parties thought they got what they think they got, who's to complain? Oh but then sometimes there's the spoiler...if the guy is so hot that it stirs up the wanting itch...well I'll throw caution to the wind and like they said...I bend over for him my man of that hour...usually I get the sort of comments that says my straightness is thrown out the window... Basically everybody seems to agree that straightness is not getting fucked. You may have muscles as big as the Incredible Hulk and look just as mean, the college kid who just penetrated your ass and gave you a mean fuck...he can just as well slap your butts and say.."there you go bitch..."
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Really? You think this is subject that hasn't been discussed in a while?
Fuck... I've been wondering lately where all the FAGS have gone. Seems like CFS is the prime hunting ground for "straight" and bi guys. Shit... NO ONE posts in the "GAY" forum anymore... it's all talk about bi dudes, where to find pussy, how to get a woman to watch you fuck a man, etc. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm just wondering where the queers are! I completely agree with GWT: STRAIGHT is a man who cannot conceive of having sex with another man. Just as GAY is a man who cannot imagine sex with a woman. Believe it or not, there ARE people who are totally gay and totally straight. So many gay dudes seem to want to believe that EVERY man can be turned, even if temporarily, because all men think with their dicks and don't care WHERE they stick them. This is utterly untrue. And it stands to reason that if there are gay men out there who barf at the thought of a wet, dripping pussy -- there are also certainly straight men out there who cringe at the thought of taking a stiff one up the ass! But that's essentially semantics and we've debated these definitions to no end. I think of it this way: there are "straight" people, WITH quotation marks, who sometimes dabble with same sex relations. And there are also STRAIGHT people, WITHOUT quotation marks who ARE, indeed, STRAIGHT. But most of us don't bother with quotes or the lack thereof, so we consequently get into these endless debates over the semantics of the word straight. Taken at face value, STRAIGHT means STRAIGHT. Any dude who sucks another dude's dick is NOT straight. But he MIGHT be "straight." Know what I mean? To answer the original poster's question and get into something much more fun... How do I pick up "straight" guys? Well, I don't. THEY pick ME up. I get no thrill, no rush, no ego boost from TRYING to nail a "straight" dude -- so I don't go there. I know a lot of gay dudes find it terribly exciting to get a "straight" guy. I don't understand this. My ex was fascinated with this, so I lived with it for many years. I don't CARE if some gay dudes like it -- they can like whatever they like. I just don't PERSONALLY get it. But... I can't lie. When a "straight" dude wants to suck my dick -- I do NOT turn him down. So HOW do I manage to hook up with "straight" dudes from time to time? Well... it helps to be butch. Well over half or more of the "straight" guys I've hooked up with have commented that they enjoy "real" men. So that works for me. I just "act" like ME and THEY give me the go-ahead. HOWEVER -- the good news is that there are TONS of "straight" dudes out there who ALSO like femme guys. Obviously, they feel that the more feminine a guy is, the looser the connection to the fact that the "straight" dude in question is having sex with another man. Therefore the best way to pick up "straight" men, I think, is to just BE YOURSELF, whatever you happen to be. I think a lot of gay guys like to THINK that they cajoled or encouraged or utilized some form of clever guile to hook a "straight" dude. I hate to say it but... this is wishful thinking at best. No "straight" dude (or even another gay dude -- or anyone at all) is often duped into having sex with someone if they don't really WANT to do it. We'd be surprised to find that there is often a huge disparity in what WE are thinking and feeling during any given sex act and what our partner is thinking and feeling. Very often, we transfer our own feelings onto our sex partner -- and this is a HUGE problem which often results in failed relationships and "fusion delusion," wherein we believe we are having some sort of ultimate experience only to find out too late that it was NOT mutual at all. OK... a FEW folks can be "tricked" into sex. But not many. Most people WILLINGLY seek out the partners they want. There is nothing wrong with believing we did something to spur them on, or that we are special enough to get them to do something they might not ordinarily do -- as long as we don't get caught up in that. If we just feed our egos and have some fun with it -- no harm in that. But if we delude ourselves into thinking we're something unique and wonderful and some sort of sexual magnet to anyone and everyone -- that's a load of crap. More "tips" would include: If cruising for straight dudes online, be ready to accommodate them in every way. Many will ONLY meet if you assure discretion and utter secrecy and follow THEIR rules of engagement. If you have an online profile with many rainbow flags and photos of yourself sucking cock -- they "straight" guy will probably back off FAST. Be prepared for many game-players and no-shows if cruising the "straight" community. Bookstores are the BEST places to hook up with "straights" and bi guys, bar none. Many won't go to a bathhouse -- that is TOO gay for them. Public places -- same rules of engagement as anywhere else, same signals apply -- the foot tap, the crotch grab, the lip lick, etc. These are universal -- the guy will KNOW you are interested. But... this is also the MOST risky because even guys who are NOT interested in return will know these signals and you just might get your ass kicked. Which is why it is often wiser to let THEM come to YOU.
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I never quite got this fascination either but hey, everyone has their thing. I assume it's the theory that "straight" equals hot and masculine. It always cracks me up actually when I see sex ads that have "blue collar worker" or "married bi" as if that's the deal closer, thing is, when you get the pic you see an obese, not so easy on the eyes kind of guy, so the "blue collar" or "bi" means nothing in the end.
Anyway, I won't go on about that. To the original post, my own experience with getting hot guys that identify as "straight" has been at the gym. I've met more than a few guys there who are supposedly "bi" or "straight". Do I know for sure what their story is though? Not at all and I don't care since it's not the "conquest" of getting a "straight" or "bi" guy a the gym that gets me hot, it's getting the "hot" guy at the gym naked in my bed or his that's satisying ;-)
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I'm very "easy on the eyes" and not the least bit over weight. Many guys that perceive themselves as "str8 acting" or "masculine" end up being "limp wristed faggots" when they show up on your doorstep. I use "blue collar worker" as a description of who I am and to convey the fact that I really am masculine and it's not just some misguided self perception. Not too many "limp wristed faggots" work in auto body shops. I don't try to pass myself off as str8 or even bi as so many guys do these days. I'm 100% homosexual. I've never had sex with a women and never plan to. I just happen to be "blue collar" too. I don't see way the inclusion of that fact in an ad would "crack" somebody up.
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Didn't mean to offend GWT and hopefully you know by now that my intentions here are for the most part sincere, although, things to get sticky sometimes.
I meant, that just like some guys assume that because a guy says he's "married" or "bi" he must be hot, the same goes for "some" (not all by any means) "blue collar guys" that will use that label as their selling point only to disappoint. I think a lot of blue collar guys are very hot ,but the thing is, some hair stylists are hot too, so, sometimes these labels can be mis-leading, that's all.
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Any more with ads, I just read "masculine" as meaning "self-deluded fem guy" and go from there.
![]() I have never yet seen a really masculine guy touting his masculinity in his ad. I don't equate "blue collar" with stupidity. I equate poor spelling, grammar and sentence structure with stupidity. "I am likeing fuck so please anl do me" -Arrgh. I interpret "married bi" the same way I'd interpret "gay in open relationship" "have partner but play outside relationship" etc. Not a deal-clincher by a long shot. I know guys that perceive all these as cheating and won't have a thing to do with the guy no matter how hot he is. "Married bi" can also be interpreted as "discretion assured because I sure as hell don't want my wife to know I like cocks up my ass". Again not a deal-clincher by any degree. Just more info by which you can judge compatibility. I like the ads where a guy will describe all the fun things he will do, including several unsafe items and then conclude with "I always play safe" No you don't, not if you have done half the things on your list. And let's not forget the "muscular" "athletic" "hwp" deluded men that have guts that require a separate picture of their own. Same goes for all those "hung" men that 3-year olds can shame.
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GT, You need to come up with a handbook on reading ads. I think guys know that certain words like masculine, athletic, married and yes even blue collar will get more attention than florist, feminine or bookworm. The bottom line is that men will lie to get some dick. And what better way to lie than in an ad. No matter how big the lie the truth usually doesn't come out until a face to face meeting. At that point the liar may still get some dick and it reaffirms his notion that lying = sex.
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With so many "straight" guys seducing and picking up other "straight" guys, I'm surprised there are that many "straight" guys around to be seduced and picked up by us -- Queers.
I have no memory of meeting, seducing, and bedding down a bonafide heterosexual male. But, I do admit having been seduced, picked up, and bedded down by men who misidentified me as a "straight" male. As a matter of fact, I've been seduced, picked up, and bedded down by Gay men who thought I was straight. I guess I didn't "look" or "act" Queer, so it is understandable why some men, both gay and straight alike, assumed I was straight. So, what does this say about us as men? There's an old saying that we eat first with our eyes. That is a truism. We should also own up to a collorary of feasting with our eyes first. We also see what we want to believe is true and feast with our eyes. I've always known I'm Queer -- a Homosexual. I rather like being a sexual minority and have no desire to become a part of any majority. Thank you very much, but no thanks. I'm very content to be a bonafide Homosexual and don't need to validate myself by picking up and seducing "straight" men. With so many "straight" men seducing and picking up other "straight" men, it kinda calls into question what is meant by the word "Queer" these days.
Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. And, under a just God, cannot long retain it. -- Abraham Lincoln
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