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Old 7th July 2008, 07:50 PM
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Now, on to your query about Khun Nong. The man who raised his hand is probably the one you want. The "other" Khun Nong is quite short and thin and has some hair on his chest. The "right" Khun Nong usually has his head shaved and is broad shouldered and cheerful looking. He has quite a nice body. He is DEFINITELY worth seeking out. He also generally stands in the front and as to be noticed. He is WELL worth finding.

-- Billinbkk.,
- Thanks for your reply - appreciated!
- Hopefully we'll be able to enjoy the 'right' Khun Nong. in future.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 7th July 2008, 08:31 PM
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 219

I checked out Arena at 1.30 pm and there were about a dozen men available.The captain had ducked out so a masseur with not bad English assisted me as best he could.Unfortunately he was not familiar with the sex-roles,capabilities etc of his co-workers and when he suggested he ask the ones who were active or passive and other indicators to put up their hands I shyly declined.

The line-up was not bad at all but I thought I would delay my selection for another time.I did notice though that a former Albury star who hails from southern Thailand is now working there.

On departing to the lift the guys relaxing and smoking at the door could not have been more charming.Nice Thai guys.
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Old 16th July 2008, 09:17 AM
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Posts: 70
Senso Men

This report is 2 to 3 weeks late - sorry, but connectivity and lethargy have been winning of late.

Went to Senso Men (midway down Soi Saladaeng) around 5pm one weekday afternoon - easy to find from the BTS.

The lobby is really nice and a bit 'boutique hotel'-ish - I wish my apartment was half as well finished.

There were 5 boys lazing around, all smiled and acknowledged me, but no hard sell or pressure. The mamasan showed me the menu, pretty much all of which I have forgotten. I think, however, 1 1/2 hours cream massage was around 700 baht.

All boys were of a similar type - all late teens/early 20s, physically athletic and fit looking. I chose Tim, 20, from Issan, with a wonderful swimmer's build of wide, broad shoulders, trim waist and wonderfully smooth, lean torso.

The massage room was, like the rest of the building, done to a really nice finish. It has en-suite bathroom and a wardrobe for you to place your clothes.

The massage started with a shower, with Tim joining to make sure that all the little nooks and crannies were clean and sparkling.

Excellent massage, nice and firm, nice and exploratory. Tim was certainly no shrinking violet, and was more than happy to follow roads less travelled...
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Old 17th July 2008, 12:46 AM
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-- I have been info'd. by a web-acquaintance from another site that PHOLAND, Soi Ngam Duplee, has CLOSED; reported as being because of INCREASED costs and falling revenues.
- The above is 2nd. hand info.; I haven't checked it out personally.
-- E&OE.. -- Bibi.. --
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Old 17th July 2008, 09:21 PM
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Posts: 219

Another rumoured closure is V-Club at the end of the year when lease expires.Rumour sourced from former masseur.

Any confirmation ?
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Old 21st July 2008, 11:51 PM
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Adonis Massage, Soi Convent

Went back to give Adonis Massage another try after a disappointing experience about 3 years ago. Its location is as convenient as ever, in a cul-de-sac off Soi convent, about 10 minutes' walk from the Silom Road junction.

The boys here are now bigger and taller than what I remember from the previous time, some of them in good shape. One particular guy had a well defined V-shaped body. There were about 13 - 15 guys available around 3 pm.

Oil massage price: 500 baht for 1 hour, 600 baht for 90 min.

Milk oil massage: 550 baht for 1 hour, 750 baht for 90 min.

Rooms had en-suite shower, but shower stall was small.

Massage was done on a narrow bed without face-hole, so while the height and width of the bed enabled a good massage - low, wide beds, which are becoming more popular in newer establishments are actually the worst possible design - the lack of a face-hole was bad for the neck.

I took a guy called Awd from Surat Thani. Beefy guy, but not tall. He gave a good strong massage including neck and head. Followed with quite a hot session, which was unfortunately limited by the narrowness of the bed.

He joined me for the post-massage shower, but again, the size of the shower stall was so small, manoueverability was a problem.

On the whole, he's good and I rewarded him 1500. However, the facilities were less than satisfactory.

The least satisfactory part of the experience was the duty manager (mamasan?) - I believe his name was "Id" or something like that. He's a straight guy (the masseur confirmed this to me), who looks like a tuk-tuk driver and behaves like one. Not once did he even smile. He offers no greetings or courtesies but goes straight into discussing the prices. His lack of "style" seriously jeopardises the brand. For a brief moment, I felt I was dealing with a gangster, and I had to suppress the urge to turn around and get out as fast as possible.
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Old 25th July 2008, 12:43 AM
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-- This forenoon I was chatting with an Aussie. who has been visiting biannually for about 3wks. at a time.
- He related that a day or so ago he looked-in at -

- 5/8, Soi Saladaeng - off Si Lom rd.;
- BTS./MRT.: Sala Daeng, (S2.)/Silom;
- contact: (02)-636 3535. --

-- He commented that looking-in the Recept'n Area appeared to be in v. good condition, (he didn't check-out any of the rooms.); while the half-a-dozen or so masseurs whom he saw seemed to be 'Superior.' to the usual run of such people.
- Prices seemed to him to be 'High average.' - but the MINIMUM TIPS. suggested for an hour's massage was 1,000.ooBh.!

-- NB.: I have not visited myself - Usual disclaimer. - the above is 2nd. hand info..
-- E&OE.. -- Bibi.. --
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Old 25th July 2008, 01:52 AM
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- Prices seemed to him to be 'High average.' - but the MINIMUM TIPS. suggested for an hour's massage was 1,000.ooBh.!
Does the exclamation point mean that you think this is high? Really, it's the minimum expected tip everywhere for massage and sex these days. I tend to tip 1,200 to 1,500, if the service is good.
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Old 25th July 2008, 01:58 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

The staff at Senso are ok. Most of the boys are medium/muscley. I fancied Jo. The minimum tip notice was a bit intimidating...not that I wouldn't abide by or better the amounts, but I don't like being told beforehand what tip I must pay, so I politely declined their service.
Then I went to First Massage...3rd floor JJ Plaza(direct conection with BTS, Sala Daeng) and had a very pleasant sex. they now state "massage by men" on their adds outside.
Another place I now enjoy is Prime Massage on Silom Soi 6. Sexytiles reviewed it previously and I tried and got no hint of any sex, but recently, due to an abundance of attractive boys outside, I have been in and scored every time....without being told how much you must pay for a tip.
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Old 25th July 2008, 02:32 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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I don't mind them stating a minimum expected tip. It helps prevent unpleasantness with first-time customers who have no idea what the going rates are. Some newbies might even expect that the massage fee covers whatever they might want to do with the boy sexually...making for a potentially very ugly situation.
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Old 25th July 2008, 06:15 AM
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Posts: 325
Senso Massage

The guys at Senso are what I call the athletic type - i.e, lean to medium, some muscle, straight-looking. Having made just one visit I wouldn't generalise about standards yet, though that one visit was satisfactory. Its price was 650 baht for one hour, even pricier than Hero (600 baht per hour) and Adonis (500 baht per hour, see my recent post) and well above my usual place Body Club on Sukhumvit soi 8 which charges 390 baht for 90 minutes.

Senso however offers a newer facility and bigger bathroom than any of these... but ultimately, it's boils down to the luck of the draw. You can get a dud masseur however pricey or sparkling the premises.
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Old 25th July 2008, 06:54 AM
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
Does the exclamation point mean that you think this is high? ... .
-- It's difficult to give a 'Cold' answer as for me the TIPS. depends on several factors such as: the rapport between the masseur and me; the quality of the basic massage, and w/o. the masseur telling me what a great/skilled etc. etc. masseur he is, (as happened during my recent visit to ARENA MASSAGE ); skills for the 'Extras.'; general consideration for me as a customer; anyother considerations that I might have.
- But, all being well, for a one hour's basic oil-massage with some fairly competent and satisfying 'Extras.' I'd say that 1,000.oo.Bh. is quite enough.

-- While I do u'stand. that some customers do not realize that they should give a TIPS. to their masseur yet I do not like being advised of what a MINIMUM TIPS. should be.
- The Capt. or Mamasan should enquire if it's the customer's first time in a massage parlor? If the answer were to be 'YES.' then the former should point-out politely that it's the TH. custom to give the masseur a TIPS. in appreciation of his skills and so on; were the customer to reply that he'd visited such parlors before then the reply would be along the lines that he wouldn't need reminding then of the TH. custom about giving the masseur a TIPS.. But I fear lest the Capt./M'san. might not be up to that degree of looking-after their staff.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 25th July 2008, 10:40 AM
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Posts: 325
First Massage and Prime

Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
Then I went to First Massage...3rd floor JJ Plaza(direct conection with BTS, Sala Daeng) and had a very pleasant sex. ....

Another place I now enjoy is Prime Massage on Silom Soi 6. ... recently, due to an abundance of attractive boys outside, I have been in and scored every time....without being told how much you must pay for a tip.
By the sound of your report, I get the impression that these places were originally set up for non-erotic massage, but the boys take their own initiative.

My question, Yannawa, would be whether these places provide enough privacy and shower facilities?
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Old 26th July 2008, 02:55 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Both places used to have girls and boys for massage. But First(or should it be Best????...but anyway, it's the only one in JJ Plaza 3rd floor) has now almost entirely boys...and as I said, advertises "massage by men". But both started out as family-type massage places and straight couples were their usual customers.

Prime massage still has several girls and also has straight customers. This place has showering facilities down the passage for oil massage in secure rooms...enough privacy. But even the Thai massage rooms have hard, lockable doors. But in both places, the slipper-outside-the-door is enough to ensure privacy.

Best (or is it First) has as horribly small shower cubicle thing...but I never tried it and usually get only a Thai massage. You need to use your massage shirt/pants to wipe up any cum...and you need to be quiet! In both places I have heard very erotic grunts from my neighbors....and the boy doing me pretending he hasn't heard while enjoying the same stimulation himself.

Sala Daeng Massage is similar and although they have some girls for massage, sex is pretty much a given with the boys with either a Thai or oil massage.

I like to start with a Thai massage, to see if the boy has potential for a full-blooded session in an oil environment. Nearly always a boy will try and masturbate you but won't allow himself to be can easily check this out at a budget price in a Thai massage. No point in undressing, showering and paying Bht400 just to find out the boy doesn't want to shed any clothes.

Chang massage at Sala Daeng BTS has some fine boys but only one or two will do anything and they don't ever seem to hangout outside. Sometimes you can spot a cute one making eyes at you through the window.

Never see any comments about Paradis on Silom. They have some posers outside and in my experience outside posers dressed in saris and tight shirts, don't want to do much at a fair price(Apsara for example). But at Paradis, some guys are really loose and fun. Nong is one such guy. This place is superficially straight, but when I was last there, a Thai customer came in and had them line up the boys for his selection. They have some very handsome guys inside often.
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Old 26th July 2008, 03:44 AM
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Posts: 325

Thanks for the helpful clarification. They sound like the set-up for Sawasdee Foot Massage, Silom Foot Massage and one more along the same row whose name I cannot immediately recall. These are the three places where I have paid 400 - 500 baht for an oil massage (I dislike Thai massage).

In one of them, the shower room was grotty, in the second, it had the weakest imaginable soap that never quite washed off the oil, and in the third location, the lock on the shower room door was broken. Assuming there was no one behind the closed door, I pushed at the door to enter the shower, only to find a big nude woman inside soaping herself furiously. I almost had a heart attack seeing her - it was such a disgusting sight - and I most certainly couldn't shake off the vision from my head the rest of the day. Oh, it was horrible. That's the trouble with these unisex places.
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