Arrived in Pattaya yesterday early afternoon. Checked in at the Rabbit Resort on Jomtien Beach. I read very good reports about it on Trip Advisor. A great choice.
Last night I ventured out with a friend to a few bars. The first was Wild West Boys. It was absolutely tragic. No other customers and they boys were truly a sorry looking bunch. Standing on stage, stony-faced, no doubt bored to death. The next bar, A-Bomb was no better. Both of these were in the Boys Town area. I was ready to admit failure and call it a night after but my friend suggested we visit the Sunee Plaza area. I was very hesitant given what I have read here about the ages of the guys but I decided to have a look. We wandered around for a while before choosing a bar called Good Boys. The only reason we chose this bar is because one of the guys was sitting outside shirtless and in boxers woofing into a bowl on somtum. He was delicious so we decided that his bar would do. Well, what can I say - it was fun! All guys were all clad in boxer shorts and were really fun. I called one over a very cute guy (about 20) for a chat. He said there weren't many customers (which was true) because there was no show tonight (only on Mondays and Wednesdays). He said it was a chuck wow show. I asked whether he usually takes part and he said yes, he did. I then enquired further whether he has ever "won" the chuck wow competition by being the first to ejaculate. Again, another affirmative response. He then noted that, should we wish, an impromptu show could be arranged for a mere THB 300. The winner would get the cash. Why not, I thought. Within seconds those interested (numbering about 10) were sitting on the stage chucking in front of us - but our young friend who continued to sit between us wasn't participated. We encouraged him to join in which he did. He ended up winning and shooting a very large and thick load on the little counter where one sits ones drink. Thereafter, over the space of an hour or so, we invited four more guys to sit with us and jerk off. Four more cute guys with nice bodies and cocks. Four more loads. All of this happened in the bar in view of the other two or three punters, one of whom was busily pleasuring another guy in one of the corners of the bar. I cannot imagine seeing anything like this in Bangkok. In fact, I have not seen anything like this in the 10 years of being in Thailand. I loved it and no doubt will be back for more! The gay stretch of the beach was also quite fun today with lots of guys selling this and that - some of them very handsome. All in all, I enjoyed myself a great deal - despite my initial reservations!
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Took the suggestion and visited HAPPY BOYS last night. Had no trouble finding it thanks to the excellent directions posted here. Many thanks.
A query. I go with the intent of finding the most appealing guy there and having fun with him. However, and this seems to happen in many Pattaya bars, as soon as I sit down there are swarms of boys wanting to sit, asking for drinks, and so forth. They are so persistent (and annoying) that they make it impossible for me to simply sit back, relax, enjoy being there and then proceeding with my "plan". Am I alone in having a problem with this? Any suggestions on how to cope? Perhaps I err on the side of politeness, but I end up having a really bad time because of it. Thanks!
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Well perhaps you might like to think about their side of the coin, right now.
Tourism has close to dried up because of the political problems/concerns, evidenced by news reports. Many bars have close to zero customers, and their owners can't pay the rent, the electricity etc. In Pattaya it has been the custom (opposite to Bangkok bars) that go go boys are on a small guaranteed salary (if they turn up for work), and it would not surprise if many of the bar owners have also stopped paying the small salary element, simply because of a lack of funds. Already quite a few bars have closed. Tourism will probbaly spring back, but not for at least a few months, and in any case right now is still low season. Many of the over zealous boys who now surround you are simply desperate for a small tip and hopefully an off, simply to survive. Maybe it's not what you want but it's the economic realities of the situation. Life ain't easy.
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Well understood, Xfun. As one who has been coming to Thailand for about 100 years, I understand the economic dynamic behind the situation.
But what is curious to me is the inability to recognize that the "swarming" approach tends to make me want to leave the bar quickly instead of actually offing someone. Any suggestion on some way to get that point across in the bar?
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100 years, well that beats me, although i've been living and working here for nearly 30 years (most of that time working for an international management consultancy).
My best advice is to run with it. With all due respect to the staff, 99.9% of working boys and 99.8% of mamasans and captains have no 'marketing' knowledge, no understanding of the concept of 'customer service / customer first / customer is king '(not sure if that works), no understanding of the concept of building a strategy according to the immediate circumstances, etc. I've never had any interest whatever in running a bar but I have farang friends who have operated gay bars and they will tell you the same thing, trying to get most mamsanas / captains to understand the above is in most cases a lost cause. Everything is process and go for it now! 100Baht cash now is much more important than protecting the future. It's also true that working boys quickly realize that they are on their own, in the big picture nobody is there to support you, life as a bay boy is survival of the fittest, you have to go for it on your own. Sorry if this sounds like a lecture, it's not intended to be, it's just me venting and it's probably true that you know all of this already.
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Uninvited boys can certainly be a problem, but my experience is the same as fountainhall’s.
As an uninvited lad approaches one makes the briefest eye contact, gives a genuine smile for a millisecond while making a subtle negative motion with the hand, and courteously saying “No, sorry cannot”. Then look away, and pay him no more mind. This approach to the problem rarely fails. Perhaps where some fail is in maintaining eye contact too long or, if a lad persists, continuing to engage him. He may feel that as long as you engage him he has a chance. In the unlikely event a boy should sit down beside you unbidden, he has transgressed proper bar boy behavior; you owe him nothing more. He no longer exists. I genuinely sympathize with the spurned lads, and as soon as I have unlimited funds and unlimited time I intend to off every single one of them, but until my resources are infinite I must deal with reality.
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I happen to know the manager of happy boys Bar well,
if other people also feel that the boys are a bit of a problem and swarming I can talk to Manager Wat about this. But i would like tom know if this happens all the time and if it is a problem.
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I find the approaches in Happy Bar are fun and usually only 1 or 2 boys at a time (which I enjoy more than the bars were the boys seem to be forbidden to approach.) I was in Happy last week and once I chose 1 boy to buy a drink, the others melted away. I've never been "swarmed" there - maybe I should try another perfume
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We had several boys swarming at Good Boys but that was entirely our fault after having had five of them jerk off and cum for us right there in the bar. Others wanted to get in on the act as well. Quite understandable. Those that we did not fancy we just smiled at and then ignored. They were good sports.
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-- I visited that particular bar twice during my most recent visit of this last long week-end and was not 'swarmed' - whereas in TOM YUM I was - thank goodness. In general I've found most of their boyz to be both pleasant & polite and have not suffered any bad experiences to date; it's one of my prefered bars in PATTAYA. ![]()
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-- During the evening of the 27th., and at my suggestion having read some of the postings, our gp. went-to X-BOYS to see its 22.30.hrs. performance.
- ETA.: 22.15.hrs.; approx. six or so other farangs there; -Once seated we saw notices for its perfs. at 22.30., 23.30. & 00.45.hrs.; the 23.30.hrs. show is billed as a 'Sexy Show.'; - Drinks at 200.bh.; - Maybe about a dozen or so R&F. boyz on parade - pretty much the usual run-of-the-mill types; I saw but one whom I fancied. -- Hse lts. dimmed at approx. 22.30.hrs.; - 1st. act: Big Cock Show with about a dozen boyz all wearing brief briefs. Most kept their cocks inside their briefs, so we voyeurs had to be content with just gaping & gasping at the outlines. However, for the final walk-around the stage most pulled-down their briefs; we all reckoned that it was the smallest boi who had the biggest cock - but possibly bodily size made it look larger? - 2nd. act: Drum Show, for wch. several boys beat an African-style drum using their erect cocks. - 3rd. act: Shower scene; - 4th. act: Two prs. who did ground work only - no swinging from the chandeliers! Interestingly enough one of the Bottoms was the boi with the smallest body in the BCS.. They made a tour of the spectators and then concluded on stage. - Hse. lts. were sw. on at approx. 23.05.hrs.; - Afterwards, and clothed once again, another tour was made of the viewers. - We sensed no-one smoking ciggies.! - Music was too loud - but that's Par-For-The-Course in many such places. -- I was given to u'stand. that that was indeed a 'No holds barred.' show by the usual PATTAYA stds.; thoughts were expressed as to how long it would be allowed to continue as such?
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-- Agreed about the weather; after the heat & airlessness of BKK. the four days on DONGTAN BEACH were most pleasant; while not a blazing sun it was warm enough and the sea-breeze took-off any excess heat. - Not all that may beach-goers: for example on sun., (27th.), a'noon.; in the concession in wch. I sit, and wch. has some 150 or so chairs, possibly 50-60 were occupied. - Chatting with 18YO. khun Nat* who runs that particular concession, (its beach umbrellas are blue with red & white flaps.), - its roughly to the seaward of the AVALON HTL. - and who has 3 or 4 others assisting, on monday he made just 80.Bh. in TIPS., wch. makes my enthusiastic & American friend & I wonder what he'll do and how he'll survive should the concession's owner decide that he's too old, or whatever, to continue working there? - Plenty of boyz selling DVDs. of various types, (six for just 500.Bh.), masseurs & pedicuristes in plenty, not so many selling doughnuts, fresh fruits & ice-creams. - We noticed that the concession to our RIGHT, (blue umbrellas with red & yellow flaps.), seems to be the center for Twinkie-boys, presumably from various bars, and their maturer admirers - of wch. there appear to be plenty! --* NB.: Khun Nat is straight but v. u'standing., so one can laugh & joke with him about various topics quite openly. Most days he's 'assisted.' by khun Om who's as camp as the proverbial row of pink tents & then some MORE.
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-- On moday, (28th.), evening I went to HAPPY BOYS.;
- ETA.: 21.oo.hrs. or thereabouts; - Drinks: 120.Bh.; - Maybe another farang or two there, as well? - Boi #1., whom I hoped to meet, (having seen him go off with some other farang on my previous visit ![]() - Of course he joined me for the usual & intro. drink before telling me a little about himself: khun Em; just happened to be celebrating his Twenty-first that very evening; hails from I-San; speaks adequate enough English for basic conversations. - Well, it wasn't long before, and at his suggestion, we went upstairs. - His slitted shorts were off quicker than one could say 'Jack. Robinson.' and my clothes followed suit. - His uncut cock is of avg. size and makes an adequate enough smoke, for wch. he was rewarded with the usual TIP. PLUS a little extra for his b'day.. -- Afterwards I went to TOM YUM; - Drinks at their usual Sunnee Plaza price; - Just one other farang present who left soon after my arrival; - Some score of mostly young & twinkie boyz present with a mere handful on stage and the rest lounging-about on the seating; some half-a-dozen or so pleasuring themselves - nothing noteworthy to be seen amongst them. - An older boi sat on the edge of the stage facing me and shewed me what he has - probably the best developed of those present? However, when I arose to leave he demanded that I give him 20.Bh. for displaying himself to me, wch., had he been MORE civil, I'd have been happy to oblige. The katoey who served me made sure to remind me to give her a TIP., too; something that I would usually do as a matter of course.
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Thread | Thread Starter | Forum | Replies | Last Post |
Pattaya | Gaijin | Southeast Asia | 6 | 2nd December 2008 05:57 PM |
a day day in gay Pattaya | biggles69 | Southeast Asia | 0 | 30th April 2007 05:45 AM |
Pattaya | biggles69 | Southeast Asia | 7 | 7th December 2006 11:17 PM |
Pattaya GoGo | bsobel | Southeast Asia | 4 | 3rd October 2006 11:01 AM |
Looking for Bi guy in Pattaya in Aug | biforthai | Southeast Asia | 0 | 26th June 2005 03:33 PM |
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