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Old 19th February 2002, 05:55 AM
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 10

And just a bit more.

Please be very careful about 'setting up a business' here in Thailand. I have no idea whether you have prior experience at starting or operating a business, and it's clearly not my business.

I am a management consultant. I've seen many farang, at retirement, try to start businesses here. 99% fail for a whole range of reasons, some being:

- No understanding of even the most basic business principles, not even a very basic business plan, no understanding whatever of financing - even for small business, no real understanding of managing staff, etc

- Farang who start up a travel agency(as an example), no experience whatever in this industry, and the business started in a place where there is already lots of strong well organized professional competition

- Farang who start a business and employ a gaggle of cute boys, all allowed to party 24 hours a day, all given a mobile phone, all given a free apartment, when the profits (if business is good) can't possibly support these expenditures

- No understand of the very different business climate in Thailand, the external economic climate, methods of networking, marketing & selling processes, customr satifaction factors, etc, etc

- The fact that most businesses take years to develop before any real profits arrive

- Continuous misunderstanding with staff because of language, and never understood very different expectations of work place behaviours and interactions

- Using the 19 years old Thai lover as a translater and business partner, and he's never been to school (no disrespect intended), and has no understanding or experience whatever of business, doesn't being to understand the government documents & permits etc etc

- Tea money

- Pressure on the lover, or the Thai staff, to insist that jobs are provided for close and not so close relatives etc

- The farang eventually squeezed out


Good luck

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