Icon is formally withdrawing his seal of approval from Nice Guy's, following a visit tonight which was the lousiest ever.
The boy could hardly give a massage, didn't bathe first (although he bathed me), and would do nothing in the way of sex: not even nipple licking. All he would do was jerk me off, allow me to suck him briefly, and then jerk himself off. And he had bad breath, to boot. My past five visits to this place have all been unsatisfactory, but I kept saying I'd give them another chance. No more. For the record, Icon's own personal opinion of Nice Guy's is: 1) The owner is an obnoxious cunt who treats his employees like property (the slave-selling scene in "Roots" comes to mind...) and his customers not much better ("no, you may not have anything to drink until you choose a boy"); 2) The facilities are shitty: no steam, no sauna, no jacuzzi...nothing but tackily furnished rooms with jury-rigged bath tubs in them (canvas sheeting duct-taped to the walls to protect them from the water). 3) The boys on five of my past six visits have given only rudimentary massages, followed by even less-than-rudimentary "service" afterwards. 4) For all its substandard facilities and services, it charges no less than anywhere else. Others will surely have their opinions, and they are no less valid than my own. Please do not flame me for having one. |