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Old 12th April 2001, 08:33 PM
Posts: n/a

I should give credit where credit is due. It was BONGO who originally recommended Warner's "THE TROUBLE WITH NORMAL" to me. I took his advice, and I purchased it right after his recommendation.

Well, I could not put it down once I started reading it! I stayed up the entire night and read the whole thing in one sitting. It is a powerful and very straightforward piece of literature. It cuts right to the core of things.

Thanks, bongo!
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Old 14th April 2001, 07:35 AM
Posts: n/a

How did SunDogg suddenly become
on posts ORIGINALLY posted with his SunDogg handle??? On certain posts you even see the new name listed with the OLD (this has been edited by SunDogg) at the bottom. His original "SunDogg" location has also changed from JUPITER, Florida to PLANTATION, Florida.

IGF Mbr2000469
Member # 38907
Member Rated:

posted April 09, 2001 01:22 PM
Here Dwight...fetch!
The Whitehouse announced today that Scott Evertz, an 'openly' gay Log Cabin Republican (so sorry ...Gay Stonewall Demos), has been nominated to head the newly reorganized Whitehouse AIDS Office. He will also become a member of the Whitehouse Domestic Policy Council.

Whoosh! The sound made by knee-jerk reactionary Neo-Marxists on the Extreme Left when deprived of O2.

[This message has been edited by SunDogg (edited April 09, 2001).]


I have noticed similar changes on a select few other cruiser's old posts. However, my info and handle remain consistent (along with the handle of many others) on my old posts.

What gives?

[ April 14, 2001: Message edited by: Jake2001 ]
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