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  1. Braces and cocksucking
  2. Tops and Bottoms--a little advice
  3. Nice Guy, Awful Voice
  4. staying hard
  5. Waiting To Cum
  6. Want advice on rimming
  7. anal hygine
  8. Legality of Barebacking in Porn Flix
  9. Tops and Bottoms
  10. BP Meds And Poppers (For The Doc)
  11. Significance of Big balls
  12. poppers?
  13. Cailis Question
  14. Viagra, Cialis, Levitra?
  15. Prostate Massage Question
  16. A Naked Man Stuck in My Computer!!!
  17. Need 1st Time Advice
  18. Pot by mail?
  19. Line on underside of penis
  20. One thing I am jealous of
  21. Amount of semen
  22. Relationship issue
  23. Gonorhea Alert