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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Tawan Bar - Reviews?

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Old 12th June 2012, 12:03 PM
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Originally Posted by gregvc View Post
I really don't understand the lonely guys who look for "love" and then get angry at the "boys". Why don't they look for guys or men!...
I was going to type "Boys says it all" but that would imply that such lonely souls are all paedophiles, which would not only be unfair but also libellous. I think it's closer to the truth to say that subconsciously they're looking for that teenage love crush they never got to sleep with. Imagine coming to Thailand on holiday and seeing so many young men who look like they could have been that lost-long-ago heartthrob. No wonder so many men come to LOS and fall incurably head over heels with some scheming charmer.

I was there, I did that and now I'm over it. So I understand why they do it the first time. What I don't understand is why they keep doing it over and over again.
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Old 12th June 2012, 01:54 PM
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Hi, thank you for your comment.

i'am just wondering if you can off them if outside the bar? i did not know that prap used to work in tawan. actually miraculous, i have not seen any of the boys you mentioned come back after their sponsorship stint.
I don't remember exactly when. But I'm sure that saw Prap in Tawan. It wasn't a show time. He was on the stage and posing. If I'm wrong, sorry.
He is doing so well as a personal trainer now. Has many customers, gets paid a lot comparing standered price for hiring a personal trainer at some gyms. Actually I wanted to hire him before. However, the price was too expensive. And he told me that every customer pay more if they continue to hire him. So I said No nicely. He is nice, but not for me as a personal trainer. He doesn't need a sponsor because he is doing well.

To off the boy outside of the bar. I'd say you can. In my experience, after the bar close, some Tawan boys hang around at Soi twilight. There are some bars still open after 1am. Not gogo bars. I've offed a muscular boy that actually Tawan boy, didn't know that time and he didn't tell me. It was weird that guy is Tawan boy for sure, and also offed next day around 9pm. Tawan bar allows part time job? If they wanna work, can go to the bar anytime? I thought that gogo boys have no holiday except they ask mamasan or being sick with a medical certificate.
The other case, you might get boys at Lumphini Park. Now it has changed? Or still be able to. I'm not sure.
And also if you've offed the guy before, ask him that wanna off outside. If he wants, would see you, not get any customers of his own accord, before the bar open or after close. So you don't have to pay off fee. No matter he has sponsors or not. Or even he actually gets a customer before you. To me, I don't mind. At least the boy is able to do. I've done this way many times.

Xfun, sydneyboy and biggles69
Thanks for sharing your stories. And yes, I think we do know already those boys lies or excuses. Might be true, but most of the time it's a lie. To be honest, I don't understand some customers believe boys story. It's an old trick. I like to communicate with the boy. But if he starts talking about his financial problem, I would change the subject. If he gives an attitude, then bye. I think some gogo boys should be smarter to how to get an attention. Depends on the situation, how long you know the boy or timing. I heard some boys ask new customer for support the day when they are offed. Who believes it?
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Old 12th June 2012, 08:52 PM
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I agree, Taoboxer, but you know, these guys are in the flesh market. They are overwhelmingly not well educated. This is the time for them to earn money. They are not looking for true love. Some farangs are dumb, then they complain about how dumb they are.
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Old 13th June 2012, 12:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Taoboxer View Post
... .
I was there, I did that and now I'm over it. So I understand why they do it the first time. What I don't understand is why they keep doing it over and over again.

-- As the poet wrote: 'Hope springs eternal in the human breast.' - so it may well be with those who've lost-out on Round One, losing the first battle doesn't mean that the war'll be lost; maybe, just maybe, next time ... ? 'If at first you don't succeed ... . ''
- As many a gambler will tell you: 'A Quitter never wins, but a Winner never quits.'.
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Old 13th June 2012, 04:23 AM
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Originally Posted by gregvc View Post
I have lived here for over 10 yrs in total and associate with middle and upper class Thais who work and are educated. My partner is 7 yrs younger than me. We have been together for 14 yrs
Yes there are in reality 2 Thailands. The BKK set (where I have met several nice established Thai gays - regretably never a perfect match for me) and the Isaan Thais who head south in search of fortune and farangs. They are the money boys, many here to feed their families, and there can rarely be a "love match " with them.

My favourite author summed up the pay for sex scene beautifully - (I para-phrase) "where the lonely, desperate, love-sick poor of Isaan meet lonely , desperate love-sick rich of the west. It's a perfect match !)
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Old 13th June 2012, 04:28 AM
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Originally Posted by gregvc View Post
I have lived here for over 10 yrs in total and associate with middle and upper class Thais who work and are educated. My partner is 7 yrs younger than me. We have been together for 14 yrs
Yes there are in reality 2 Thailands. The BKK set (where I have met several nice established Thai gays - regretably never a perfect match for me) and the Isaan Thais who head south in search of fortune and farangs. They are the money boys, many here to feed their families, and there can rarely be a "love match " with them.

My favourite author, John Burdett, summed up the pay for sex scene beautifully - (I para-phrase) "where the lonely, desperate, love-sick poor of Isaan meet lonely , desperate love-sick rich of the west. It's a perfect match !"
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Old 13th June 2012, 09:43 AM
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Thumbs down

Originally Posted by Miraculous View Post
Hello, guys. I've been reading this thread since a few years ago. Finally registered.
I live in Bangkok for almost 4 years. I'm always interested in muscular boys, especially Tawan boys. I thought that I can share something.
I have a friend whom Makin's friend. My friend is not a gogo boy or used be. He told me that had the opportunity to have drink with Mekin. Mekin was taking about sponsors. Has 10 sponsors, (6 gays and 4 women). And he became a millionaire. I'm not surprised that Mekin is so rich since I don't know when. And Mekin will be married in chammai and doing his own job. Mekin has a fiancé who knows that he has sponsors.


If I get some new things, would be coming back here.
Hi, I spoke with one of my sources who is a ex-Tawan guy and also he came from the same city as Meykhin. He was quite angry to hear that Meykhin is portrayed as a money sucker.

He also said that its not true that Meykhin has 10 sponsors. Customers yes, sure. But not milking any sponsor at the moment.

In case you don't know Meykhin continues to work at Tawan. He has special privilege and stays upstairs and no need to walk the platform. Only when a old customer return, does he go out with them.

As for Prap, I am still trying to confirm, but so far you must be mistaken.
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Old 14th June 2012, 05:38 AM
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Hello, LikeThai

Hi, I spoke with one of my sources who is a ex-Tawan guy and also he came from the same city as Meykhin. He was quite angry to hear that Meykhin is portrayed as a money sucker.

He also said that its not true that Meykhin has 10 sponsors. Customers yes, sure. But not milking any sponsor at the moment.

In case you don't know Meykhin continues to work at Tawan. He has special privilege and stays upstairs and no need to walk the platform. Only when a old customer return, does he go out with them.

As for Prap, I am still trying to confirm, but so far you must be mistaken.
I think nobody thinks that Meykhin is portrayed as a money sucker or something. I also didn't mean. I just posted what my friend heard from Meykhin. Actually I called my friend and asked about this. Meykhin has said that in front of all his friends that night. I thought that this is one of the Thai cultures, when someone becomes rich, they tell their friends or family, something like being open?
Sorry, no offence please. I don't understand why your friend got angry. Meykhin must be proud of himself and his friend should be happy for him. Not many gogo boys get sponsors or customers often. And what is the different between having sponsors or customers? I think it's the same thing, all about making money some kind of ways. I personally think Meykhin is such a lucky guy who makes a lot money. It's good for him.

About Prap, I might be wrong. But I've seen the picture of him, like he was offed. Unfortunately I never got the opportunity to off him. One of my friends takes pictures of boys, every time when he offs boys. He does not share or upload those pics, but when I visited his place, showed me Prap's pics. My friend has offed him outside. I envy my friend.
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Old 14th June 2012, 08:08 PM
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Thanks for the info.. lots of insight of what's going on behind the scene...

been to Tawan 2 weeks ago.. and it was a weeknight.. only 12 of us.. (just 2 offs including mine)..

it was boring, the superstars weren't there...

i feel that the management needs to recruit new blood, the next superstars.. i mean without the current superstars.. the line of guys are just boring!!!

plus... i think Mekhnin is just too over-rated now... i like him.. but seeing him getting all the special treatment and attention.. and he himself nowadays looking a bit arrogant... it's just a turn off...

ps: anyone has any info on Pong.. no 3 i think... hardly there.. frequently offed i guess....
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Old 14th June 2012, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by xiluzer View Post
i feel that the management needs to recruit new blood, the next superstars.. i mean without the current superstars.. the line of guys are just boring!!!
i believe they have. there's this one young man that has the k-pop hairstyle. he seems to be very popular, so much so that he is not in the bar for too long. there's also a very timid effeminate gay boy i see sitting at the corner bar. maybe the owner is diversifying?

Originally Posted by xiluzer View Post
looking a bit arrogant... it's just a turn off...
actually mehkin does not even look arrogant. if you see some of the boys, then you will know what arrogant means. but these are all sham. once they are in the bedroom, everything changes.
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Old 15th June 2012, 02:25 AM
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Originally Posted by orson View Post
i believe they have. there's this one young man that has the k-pop hairstyle. he seems to be very popular, so much so that he is not in the bar for too long. there's also a very timid effeminate gay boy i see sitting at the corner bar. maybe the owner is diversifying?
I saw that one too... but during break time, i saw few of the boys getting cozy with him on the sofa.. hahahha!!!
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Old 15th June 2012, 08:09 AM
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i went on a weeknight, pretty quiet. the bar was less than half full. the young men were kinda disinterested until one chubby asian guy came. suddenly the boys made a bee line to his table to make chit chat. i think in general, the boys have an understanding that the boy that the customer has offed last, has the first go when he comes back to the bar. so i guess this whale maybe had multiple offs or is a big tipper.

half an hour later, i saw tong with a hefty farang come in the bar. same thing happen - a few of the boys, including the senior wait staff went straight to say hello and get/bring the order of a bottle gin and tonic. i guess this is indeed a niche market, and those that appreciate this market have the money. that's 2 whales in a quiet weekday. i wouldn't be surprised if there are a number of local fans as well.

i noticed in this visit though that the guy who cums the farthest in the chuckwow show, now does not get the first shot. another guy, the not so in shape, not so charming guy is the one who gets the first shot. don't know about the bar politics, but in the weekend performance, he cums a few drops only. for about 500baht per night, that's not bad. i was told that some boys only get around 100-150 baht, if they are not in the shows.
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Old 15th June 2012, 11:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Miraculous View Post
Hello, LikeThai
About Prap, I might be wrong. But I've seen the picture of him, like he was offed. Unfortunately I never got the opportunity to off him. One of my friends takes pictures of boys, every time when he offs boys. He does not share or upload those pics, but when I visited his place, showed me Prap's pics. My friend has offed him outside. I envy my friend.
I think the pictures you saw of Prap was taken in a hotel when he went for a competition - so it seemed like he was filmed by a customer. It wasn't an OFF.
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Old 15th June 2012, 04:05 PM
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i feel that the management needs to recruit new blood, the next superstars.. i mean without the current superstars.. the line of guys are just boring!!!
I have to agree. There is a guy who has been working at another gogo bar for a long time. He started to work at Tawan since last year. I've offed him when he was working at previous bar. It's kinda funny, he is muscular in real life. But when I see him at Tawan, looks skinny. Does not stand out at all. Because there are more beefy type of muscular guys there. We need the guy that has a massive body.

plus... i think Mekhnin is just too over-rated now... i like him.. but seeing him getting all the special treatment and attention.. and he himself nowadays looking a bit arrogant... it's just a turn off...
Mehkin is ok for me. Not so friendly, not arrogant either. If I say who is arrogant is Tong. I know many people would strongly disagree. In my experience, when I saw him first time, I was caught by him. Seemed very nice, friendly, wanted me to off. so offed him. Then it turned me off. He was like, buy this or that for me, take me go shopping, wanna have dinner at the luxury restaurant etc etc. even that was first time. I'm not a sugar daddy.
I do love his look, very handsome, amazing body, but his personality turns me off. He is too cocky. Everyone has different opinions, this is just my opinion about Tong.

I think the pictures you saw of Prap was taken in a hotel when he went for a competition - so it seemed like he was filmed by a customer. It wasn't an OFF.
The pictures were taken in my friends room.
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Old 16th June 2012, 12:14 AM
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Originally Posted by xiluzer View Post
ps: anyone has any info on Pong.. no 3 i think... hardly there.. frequently offed i guess....

Pong #3 in nice guy. No attitude, a bit serious and not bodybuilder, just gym fit type. Seems to be there most nights. Hardly any English and bit shy.
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