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Message Board > Our Archives > Thailand Archive   Tawan go-go bar-Are the hunks not so nice and expensive?

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Old 8th May 2002, 12:58 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 2

Thanks to all of you for your comments.

I don't think i will be going to Tawan.

Now, White Desire...excuse my ignorance...i find it horrible to think that somebody can get sexual satisfaction at the sight or thought of 'shit'. How does it work? I mean, do you get the guy to shit on the bed or on you? Once the guy has done it...what do you do next?
How do you bring up the subject to the boy in the bar? Do you get a lot of refusals?

Can somebody tell me when it is tourist season and when it is not in Bangkok?

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Old 8th May 2002, 04:27 PM
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Green eyes: Im not going into detail of what I do with the shit or how he does it - but I enjoy it - with regard to asking them before hand, it is a bit tricky sometimes, but strangely enough I havent done it that many times, and on the times that they have said yes, then we get back to the hotel and the "natural function" does not occur. But if you think about it, they basically do anything that pleases you (for money of course) and dont blink an eye at it - and of course as long as it is safe. Where I do have the problem is if I pick up a non-rent guy (and yes there are some), and ask them to shit on me, then that can cause a problem, well not a problem, they just dont like to. Another problem could have occurred with the western owner of a boy bar, in that he didnt want guys like me in his bar (by that comment was via an email). My answer to that is providing a person is conducting safe sex and not doing anything illegal, and its mutual then there is no problem. Roll on my next visit to Thailand for a nice cute guy to dump on me - hehehehe - do you know anyone?
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Old 8th May 2002, 09:04 PM
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Whitedesire - I'm a big believer in "each to his own..", and what you do behind closed doors is entirely your business (so to speak). However, as a matter of interest, does anyone know what SCAT means? Do the letters form an acronym or is it just a new word to describe this particular activity? I assume one who participates in this activity is either "shat upon" as the recipient or vice-versa. It's kinda gross, but maybe the relative anonymity of this forum is a good place to find out something about SCAT. I don't necessarily want a blow-by-blow account, but some information on SCAT would be appreciated. And um, no, I'm not planning on indulging in this little fetish myself!
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Old 11th May 2002, 10:08 AM
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Though most of them are muscle men, they are still a friendly lot esp towards farang.

However, the problem is few are being offed these days. Many are there for the shows esp the fucking and jack off shows. Lately, there is a definite drop in standard.

Probably the owner is wary of the tamruat( policemen) around. In fact, during the jackoff or f..king shows, the guys are on their briefs and they just took their dicks out to do the job... a far cry from the days of old.

Anyway it is still one of the better organised bars in Patpong.
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Old 11th May 2002, 12:29 PM
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However, as a matter of interest, does anyone know what SCAT means? Do the letters form an acronym or is it just a new word to describe this particular activity?
"Scat", a noun meaning dung or excrement, particularly that of an animal. It is not a new word, by any means, and its use is not limited to discussions of sexual fetishes.

"Scatology": 1. The study of fecal excrement, as in medicine, paleontology, or biology. 2a. An obsession with excrement or excretory functions. b. The psychiatric study of such an obsession. 3. Obscene language or literature, especially that dealing pruriently or humorously with excrement and excretory functions.

The origins of the word are unknown, but it has been used for centuries.
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Old 11th May 2002, 04:22 PM
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I went to Tawan tonight and thought it was quite busy (considering some of the anti-Tawan posts there have been here). However I can see why there have been a number of unflattering posts about some of the boys (men) there. Less than a quarter of them were smiling at the audience, a lot seemed overweight and well over the age for selling themselves and one (No.56 - a fat, ugly, unpleasant slob) was pointing at customers and making rude jestures to his friends on stage about the clientelle. The owner was nowhere to be seen.
Yes, there were a few very attractive guys there but in general most are well past their prime(into their 30's I guess)and should consider going back to the farm.
I remember when nearly all of them might have been candidates for taking off by me - tonight I saw only about 4 who I would consider. Eventually I left alone and went to Boys Bangkok and went off with a very nice, well hung young man who delivered the goods (as promised)for 1200Baht.
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Old 12th May 2002, 12:49 AM
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Keith, I couldn't agree more. Was the boy you took from Boys Bangkok, Noi, #17 by any chance? So amazing and cute and large, smiling dick.
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Old 12th May 2002, 04:23 AM
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Though I haven't been to Bangkok for a couple of years, Tawan has always been my bar of choice. I go for the beefier type, and age is not a concerrn, nor is being fat (in a muscular sort of way). In fact I would be quite happy to 'off' an older guy, and I do hope that there will be enough demand to keep them in business. My main concerns with Tawan were that some of the guys are jaded and worldly-wise; many are not gay and therefore not very enthusiastic. In my experience they do try to charge more too. But if you're into muscle-worship. go for it.

Interesting definitions for scat. I guess it's possible that there is where 'scatterbrained' comes from.
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Old 12th May 2002, 06:16 AM
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Personally given the rather "tired" muscle at Tawan, I think you are better off somewhere like Albury, where there are some guys with good toned muscle, and some quite hunky.
I went to Boys Bangkok on Friday, and there were some attractive guys there.
Maybe less hunky than Tawan but with more smiles. However at around midnight the bar had only 20 customers and the boys tell me business has been really slow.
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Old 12th May 2002, 06:26 AM
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Another 2-bits worth....I've had a couple of the older guys from Tawan and one was quite a nice guy while the other seemed to think that it was my privilege to worship at his feet...since I am not particularly interested in a guy's age and am more interested in whether he has enough muscle and a nice enough body to pique my interest, I think that Tawan is unique in the sense that it is still the only place where beefier guys and especially more matured beefier ones can be found...not all of us are into lamb all the time.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that if you haven't been to Tawan before, then its best to go after happiest encounters there occured when I waited until almost closing time to off the guys...they were more desperate to earn their keep and to please me.

This makes me sound terribly jaded and calculative and heartless I know, but I have found that its the only way to deal with the Tawan Temperament...I coined this after my fifth trip there and I think it describes their problem in its entirety.

Just one last bit...I still go there and I still off guys from there...only I am more careful and a helluvalot less of a nice guy until I am satisfied that I am not going to experience another Tawan Trauma!

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 22nd May 2002, 05:09 PM
Join Date: May 2002
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Thumbs down

I visited Tawan twice during my last trip to Thailand. I simply don't like this bar at all. Why? Because........
1. Boys have Muscles but have Ugly faces
2. Boys don't perform as agreed upon
3. The normal rates in Bangkok doesn't apply to Tawan boys.
4. For any extra liitle performance they want more money.
5. Most of the boys are older(more than 35) than what they say.
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