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Old 5th August 2003, 03:24 AM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65
Mr BiCurious

It's Saturday evening. It's been a tough week for me. Gotta need some good hard stuff to let me relax and unwind. I don't feel like having the usual company of my drinking pals so I went to an unfamiliar bar. I wanted to enjoy drinking close to being dead drunk without anybody trying to tell me to watch myself.

After downing just 2 stiff ones, I was feeling mighty great and glowing when the drinks hit my senses. Nothing like a good pick-me-ups. Then I saw Mr Bi Curious walked in. I call him BC then.

I've met him a couple of weeks ago and we chatted briefly. The usual bullshit stuff of men, sex and trying to figure out if we were right for each other. The usual maximizing your sexual assets to make one seem like a great sexual catch. He said he's not regular around there which I would agree so because I had seen him only rarely. He's basically straight and had only been sucked a few times which he enjoyed. Yeah the straight but curious angle which some guys find irresistible.

I told him that so many guys say that too. There's no way we would know right? I told him that I used to be straight and curious too. But now I've crossed the line and would consider myself versatile. I did not mean to be sarcastic but maybe I don't talk well so he sounded offended. He did look very straight and masculine with those beefy arms. I was beginning to have thoughts of having sex with him but I blew it because of my clumsy mouth. I tried to imagine myself with my legs on his shoulders and being fucked by him. That's not what I wanted to do, so maybe it was better that I didn't get him. Or maybe that was just sour grapes?

Tonight BC was not alone. With him was a very beautiful woman who I won't mind getting into bed with myself. Then he saw me all alone and recognised me with a smile. I grinned back. With a woman like that who wouldn't be straight. They certainly seem very intimate. Shouldn't he be embarrassed to see me here? What's that smile all about? Unless they were swingers? I got dirty thoughts that a threesome with these two would be fantastic. Pure fantasy from drinking too much.

Back to another drink, at least that was real and enjoyable. They had a quick drink and he kissed and send her off. Then he came over to join me for another drink and chatted.

He told me that the beautiful woman was his wife. He wanted me to know that he was truely straight like he said before. I said ok but he would really be Bi not straight. Again I annoyed him unintentionally. We got into another minor argument about what's straight or Bi.

I said when men sucked his cock and he cummed then that was sex and he had sex with men. That I remembered reading somewhere on this site.

He said sex was only when he penetrated somebody like the way he penetrated his wife. Oral stimulations by men were just foreplay. Since I was also married, I should know that ending sex after oral foreplay without penetration and I'll get a quick divorce in no time.

He's another of those smart guys who always have to win and show off. I was not good in these things. I told him he won. He had that victorious smile. We drank to that and he generously paid for my drinks.

I thanked him for the drinks. He said I should watch myself. Another one of those do-gooders again. If I get too drunk then he could become Bi. I was not drunk enough to miss that sexual hint. I thought if he wanted me then I'll play along and get another 2 free drinks on him. I ordered the best. Paying for drinks had always been a drain on my wallet especially the good French stuff.

Though I was not really drunk but my very red face made him thought so. He paid the bills and he held me up to get to his car. I acted drunk while he brought us to a nice motel.

Once in the room, he dumped me on the bed and stripped us both naked. Then he kissed me hard. I kept my eyes closed. Then he licked my nipples and nibbled. Soon I felt a cold wet finger applying lub on my ass. He grabbed and held up my ankles and his condomed cock was pushing at my hole.
With a hard push it was in and I gasped and moved for the piercing pain. Now he knew I must be conscious. He slapped my face to apply a little cold water on my face to wake me up. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

He had an evil grin and he said I was right that he was Bi. I was the 5th man that he had fucked. Gay men like to think that straight guys are more desirable so he only played along. He went on to give me a good fuck that I did not have for 2 months.
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Old 8th September 2003, 11:30 AM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65
Was It Good For You ?

Last Saturday as I was just looking around the park and there he was Mr Bicurious BC. It must be a month ago since he fucked me good. I had to admit, I don't mind getting fucked again by him.

But of course one must not act cheap or desperate. So I pretended not seeing him. But he saw me soon enough. A man who had fucked you before, automatically behaved cocky around you. He was no different. Without even a hello, he sat at my bench.

" Was it good for you ?" he cockily demanded me to acknowledge that he had fucked me before.

" Fucking great mate," I had to admit.

" So how was your sex life lately ?", he started the idle chat.

We talked about my score - fucked one man and get sucked by 3 since that time.

" Wow busy huh," he grinned evil. " I haven't fucked any so far you know."

" Yeah like you always being telling the truth," I remembered his lies. Anyway, most men here tell all kinds of lies. It's expected.

" Haha, you got me there. I remember somebody pretending to be drunk as well to pretend to be straight," he shot back.

" Well I was till that pain of your cock penetrating into me woke me up," I needed to keep up my pretending.

"Gee, I hoped that all those moanings and you taking up all those positions to be fucked are not just pretending as well, hahahah !!" he laughed loud in my face.

Okay, I could not help myself. He fucked me well but he really was not experienced with the varieties of positions. I had to show him how then.

"Yeah that's because you were inexperienced," I told him.

" Does that mean WE need more practice ?" he teased back.

" You've got a pretty wife. Why do you need anyone else to practicse with?" I still remembered his gorgeous wife.

" She's a dead fish in bed. Fucking hell, I never know if it was ever good enough for her. You on the other hand, I know for sure. Haha!"

He gave me the "come on" look as he got up to get to his car. Sheepishly, I followed. Needless to say, sex was great.
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Old 16th September 2003, 05:08 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65
3rd Time Is Serious

** Do Not Read These Self Mumbling Nonsense **

Got a call last night from BC. I think most people know if they clicked somehow. When he asked to exchange phone numbers last week after fuckiing me silly, we did. The only question was who will call first or what kind of relationship will we have?

To me, I now know he was inexperienced like he said before and I was sarcastic in reply. It's a good feeling to know that he did not fool around and fucked everything he can get.

A long while ago, I had sex with a very experienced guy who also wanted to develop a kind of relationship with me before. The first time he fucked me was very good. He knew all the moves and was dominating in bed. The 2nd time, the feeling was not the same. I was uncomfortable when he fucked me in some positions and my saying "arrrgg, take it easy mate" should have told him something was wrong. He never asked why and he kept pounding away. Can you believe that guy ? Down there our lower ends were pounding into each other for sex and up here our faces were inches away yet he ignored my groans of discomfort. At this stage, I began to feel like a fuck toy to him. He was too rough and uncaring. When he wanted a relationship, I was afraid he was only looking for a sex slave or something. I purposely gave him a slightly changed number. I avoided him totally after that.

BC wanted to meet for a drink. Of course after that will be sex. But the strange thing is how do we get down to talk about a relationship? My first relationship was easy to get started because my ex-bf planned everything and I just followed. He was a natural leader kind of guy. BC is different. He probably did not even think of a relationship with me. He is inexperienced to know that you don't fuck the same guy so many times unless you like more than just sex with him.

He is caring during sex. If I groaned of any discomfort, he would ask where and how he should be fucking me. The foreplay and caressings were tender. He kissed good and I can feel the heat of his passion. When having sex as strangers, this kind of mutual respects makes one feel good.

I want a relationship with him but I don't know how to say it. I don't know how to take the lead. But if there is no relationship, then there are so many things we will not be able to talk about. Our families, our younger days, girls in school, planning weekends together... These things are fun to talk about with a bf and not feel like one is expecting too much.

Best of all, I really hate having to keep on looking for a good top after another for sex. It's so troublesome that I prefer to get oral sex or just be the top instead. We can plan on regular sex.

Unlike with girls where one can use engagement rings or some ceremony or introductions to close friends to declare a relationship, how do 2 big men have a relationship?

With my first bf, we did the conventional thing. I offered him my virgin ass and we discussed and planned the consummation with a dinner and a hotel suite. The bond after that was special because of it.

Of course my ass is no more virgin now and he had already pounded me twice. Maybe this time I should not expect too much. Just let him fuck when and how he likes it and enjoy it while I can?

Sorry to bore you guys. I have no one to tell these things to and I am only mumbling in my mind.
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Old 21st September 2003, 05:25 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65
Men Are Easy To Get

To :GuyTopeka, well he called to cancel the hookup. I guess I was relieved too because I don"t really know what I want. Guess I am the strong silent type who don't know how to take the lead.

Anyway, I was sexed up since I was expecting to get fucked by him and I was well cleaned down there with lub already applied. Might as well not waste all my efforts. Men are easy to get at the sauna. I've seen guys there waiting in rooms and on their tummy with ass sticking out waiting to get fucked.

I got there and went looking for a good room to display my well lub ass. But when I saw all those men waiting with asses facing the doors, I chickened out. They looked so terribly cheap. Don't they care who fucked them ?

Instead I went to my favorite place at the video room. Went to the back bench and kept my legs wide open inviting for a good cock sucker. Most men are good cock suckers. Rarely have I met a lousy one. Exceptionally good ones like SnakeBoy can give orgasms almost as good as being fucked.

Got a few lookers waiting to make a move for my cock. Then this muscular big guy came in and looked. Rarely seen him around since he would always stand out from any crowd. Thought he would be a top and I would love to get fucked by him tonight.

I was in my "Suck-me" pose where my legs were open and I laid back a little with my semi hard cock making a small tent in my towel. One flip of the towel and any sucker will easily swallow my cock.

Problem was how to switch into the "Fuck Me" pose? Turn over and bare my ass like those in the rooms do?
Or the submission pose that my ex-bf liked most : raise my legs higher up and expose my asshole?

Decided the raising my legs higher was the easist to do from existing pose. So up my legs went but then the towel lifted off my cock and my cock was exposed too. He went for my cock and the others would not dare to compete with him.

Umm wrong move. He was sucking my cock! Hey if he would stick a finger up my raised ass, he would find a clean smooth warm hole ready for his fucking.

Before I could say anything to correct him, he grabbed me to go with him to look for a room. Good, I have never being fucked in public yet and would hate to be watched by so many while submitting myself to be fucked.

Good, he was going to throw me over the bed and fuck my sorry ass. We got a room and he locked the door. We kissed and carressed. So far not a word said. I reached for the condom to find that he snatched it from me. Good, he was impatient to fuck me. I felt that my ass got so horny by now that I could be producing wetness like women do in preparing to receive a cock.

Umm wrong again. He was rolling the condom over my cock and he bend himself over the bedside. He was submitting to me! Wow, his ass was truely magnificently bubble butt. The milky white butt cheeks were as beautiful as any woman's.

My finger slid in and he moaned. He was sooo hot inside, smooth and tight too. I must be dreaming. The pink hole was so like a virgin's.

Fearing he may change his mind, I forced my cock into him. I want to have the chance to say I made him my bitch before. He groaned in pain and told me to take it easy. OOps sorry. How thoughtless of me. Now I understand why some guys did that to me before. The excitement to take a good ass made us forget.

I took it slow and easy listening to his moans. He's all mine now. I want to enjoy him all I can. I pulled out my cock and pulled his ass cheeks apart to admire his now wet and smooth pink hole.

He knew it and used his hands to do it. What a beautiful sight! A masculine big man pulling apart his ass cheeks to submit himself to you. Wanting you to be happy to fuck him.

I was so turned on and gave his butt a few good slaps just to feel it's muscular texture. I must have done it hard and loud because I heard whispered comments from the next room.

" He's taming his bitch..."

OOps, I told him sorry. Got carried away. From his reactions, I was confident he was mine to play with anyway I wanted. I went for all the best ways I know how to fuck a man and he enjoyed it as much as I did. Finally, I had to do the finale. I needed to see him cum while I fucked him silly.

I grabbed his legs up while he's on his back. I watched his face as I pounded his ass. He was gasping from delights that I knew too well. I was doing him more than good. I was constantly hitting his G-spot. I felt his ass tightening. I gave his big pecs a few hard squeeze. When he breathed harder, I pounded harder and faster.

Soon he was groaning that he was cumming. I gave a few hard push and his cock gushed with cum that shot to his face. I fucked him till his cum stopped gushing. Then I pulled out and remove the condom. I pushed his sweaty meaty thighs together to grip my cock and I fucked between them till I cummed. I too shot my cum onto his face and chest.

I collapsed over him and kissed his cum covered face. Before I could recover, he said he needed to hurry home and left for showers. When I followed, I found he's already gone.

What a butt to remember. I was now glad BC cancelled. This sex was much better than being fucked by BC.
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Old 22nd September 2003, 04:55 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65

I was rechecking what I wrote just now. Man, my front end was satisfied and almost aching from the hard fucking I gave that guy.

Then it struck me that my backend which was at that time felt like it was wet from wanting a good fuck. That same feeling was coming back to me now. Weird. Only the feeling now was more intense that I had to finger fuck myself. That made me feel worse because it hardly scratched the itch. It only made it worse.

I guess some bottoms ever had that feeling too. Maybe that's what some called the backside itch. Even my nipples started to get sensitive.

It ever happened before when I was with my ex-bf. When I could not hold it anymore, I just called him up. It's an emergency.

Without fail, he turned up at the motel within half hour. I was cleaned, lubbed and my legs already up in bed for him. I was in slut mode and he loved that. A man in heat is so sexy to him. So he fucked me silly.

This time I called up BC and wondered if he wanted to meet soon. He said he was busy these days. We are not in any relationship so I can't demand that he make the time. His cock was not mine to use as I need. That's the advantage of having a bf. You know sex is usually a call away. No matter how busy he was, he can always find half hour for you. He can wham bam fuck you quick and leave immediately without feeling politically incorrect. I always do the same for him when he called me up.

Too bad, I had to do a quick and unsatisfactory jerk off.
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Old 28th September 2003, 02:05 AM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65
Politeness Is No Good

Well, just when I thought I was going out to look for some piece of ass to fuck, BC called. He apologised for calling off the last meet up.
He was polite in asking how I was the last time. He probably would be free in 2 hours and would I like to meet up for a drink. That's just like the last time, he was too polite to say he wanted to fuck me. We are not in a relationship so he probably should socialize with me before sex. Otherwise he would just order me to wash up down there and he would fuck my lights out.
The truth was I thought I would go looking for the last guy that I fucked at the sauna. So I told BC that I was engaged and would call him back in an hour. He sounded disappointed. He probably had a list of others he can call. Or he could probably go out looking for action himself.

I have never seen BC at the sauna so I was probably safe there. The place was crowded. He was nowhere to be seen. So I wondered around hoping he would turn up later. There were a few looking at me and me looking at them kind of cruising but I was not in the mood. Oh boy, the ass fucking sounds coming from those rooms were loud Those men groaning behind closed doors, nobody knew who they were. Being anonymous they can groan as slutty as they liked. With nothing to do, I stood at a dark corner to listen and wait for any couple who finished to come out. One pair came out and it was obvious who was the guy who was groaning before. He was thanking the top for a great fuck.

Then another door opened but nobody came out. They were either exhibitionists or inviting another to join them. Soon a small crowd gathered to watch but nobody went in. I went to take a look. The couple inside were not attractive so no wonder nobody joined in.

All were standard happenings tonight. Looked like getting fucked by BC was more exciting than any action here.

I called BC when the one hour was up. He said he was also engaged and can we meet another day?

Now I was disappointed. My fault for not confirming earlier. He probably got someone else.

I went back to the video room. At least I will get a quick blow job before I go. Then I saw Snakeboy went by the room. He gave the best rim job ever. I put on my friendliest smile at him. He just went by.

He just got here so he was looking around for the best he can find. Having been around for an hour, I was quite sure he won't find any better than me. I'll just wait and see. Keeping my towel closed tight and avoiding other eye contacts, I tried not to attract attention from those who were eyeing to suck my dick.

When one moved closer, I got off and left. After a quick shower, I returned quickly in case Snakeboy went by.

Another guy approached and I quickly left for the steam room. What do you know, Snakeboy was in there chatting with his friend. No wonder I could not find him. The steam room seems less crowded since most were gathered at the more sexually active dark areas.

I don't know if his friend was his sexual target. They don't talk much anyway. I sat just above Snakeboy. It was obvious to everybody there that I was eyeing Snakeboy as were a few others. He was that popular. Being young and boyish cute though slightly chubby helped his popularity too especially with the older guys.

The guy nest to him removed his towel and raised one leg up exposing his man cunt. But Snakeboy didn't look. I spread my legs apart and my towel was high enough that if Snakeboy slump back lower, he could see my ass too. So were many others who wanted to catch his attention.

Then that muscular guy who I had previously fucked walked in. Let us call him Bill. Immediately, Snakeboy took notice. Bill saw me and smiled at me. My cock jumped. When Bill sat down near me, Snakeboy moved over to him and tried to get his attention. Bill ignored Snakeboy and continued to look at me. He don't know what he was missing

Since I was not getting the attention from Snakeboy, I thought fucking Bill would be the best for me. I smiled back at him. Everybody in the room knew Bill and I connected. Snakeboy knew too. Suddenly he was smiling and friendly towards me too. His hand reached under my towel and he fingered my ass. It felt great. Bill looked dismayed at my submission to Snakeboy.

No time to be shy and be misunderstood by Bill. I whispered into his ears that Snakeboy gave fantastic blowjobs and rimjobs. I was not about to let myself being fucked by Snakeboy. Relieved, Bill took my hand to signal that we should move to a private room.

Unfortunately all the rooms were full with guys even waiting before us. We cuddled and kissed while waiting. I fingered his hot ass under the towel. Someone fingered my ass from behind. It was Snakeboy.

" Hey stud, you owe me some favors," he said.

Since the last time, I knew his rimjobs were considered favors. He wanted to rim Bill. Bill said not interested and I was stuck in the middle.

Just then a door opened and Snakeboy jumped ahead to take the room from the waiting pair. They let him. He pulled us both into the room.

I knew Bill was shy like most men, to be fucked and be seen by another 3rd party. So he wanted to leave. He said he was not a piece of meat for me to give to a chubby boy as favors. Just because I fucked him before does not mean I can disrespect him. I grabbed him and told him he will love what Snakeboy can do.

Snakeboy and I had to hold him down on his back. Snakeboy quickly licked his man cunt while I raised his legs and held his butt cheeks wide open. Bill shuddered and gasped. He was still tight and Snakeboy could not get his tongue in yet. I had to play with Bill's hard pecs to make him relax.

Then Snakeboy pushed hard with his tongue. Bill resisted. He said he was not about to be fucked by this kid. Please let him go. It's too embarrassing for him.

I had to assure him that it was Snakeboy's tongue that's at his ass. Realising I was blocking his view, I stooped higher so he can see it was Snakeboy's head that's at his ass. When he saw that he relaxed and Snakeboy got in.
When Bill moaned, I knew Snakeboy had found his G-spot. Bill was now humping his ass while Snakeboy slammed his tongue into him.

I was not getting any sex myself. I let go of Bill's legs and he opened them wide himself. When Snakeboy turned him over on doggie, he complied. I took the opportunity to slam my cock into his ass while Snakeboy was licking his balls from below. His precum was all over Snakeboy's face. He was moaning like a bitch in heat.

Then Snakeboy pushed me aside and turned Bill over on his back. He said he was going to fuck Bill for being nasty to him just now. He asked Bill if he wanted to be fucked by a young boy like him? Bill said no. But Bill's legs were wide open and his ass was for easy taking.

I knew Bill was in a submissive state now. Though he would not like to be fucked by Snakeboy, his mind cannot overcome the pleasures of his man cunt aching to be fucked. But he will regret and be bitter about it later when he was more sober.

I had to stop Snakeboy by blocking Bill's asshole with my hand. Snakeboy pushed my hand aside but I was stronger. I told Snakeboy to be reasonable. Bill had explicitly said no. But Snakeboy argued that he did not force Bill to open his legs for him. Opening his legs meant he wanted to get fuck but too shy to say yes.

Snakeboy said, "Ok we turn Bill over on all fours and he would not know who fucked him."

When he turned Bill over, Bill complied.

"See, he'll do anything I want," he boasted.

My hand slipped off when Bill turned over. Then Snakeboy climbed on Bill's back to mount him. He slapped Bill's asscheeks to feel the tight muscles. I pushed Snakeboy off and quickly mounted Billl's ass. Having lost his position to me, Snakeboy had to watch me fucking Bill hard and fast.

Bill was moaning and thanking me for fucking him He wanted to be a man's bitch not a young boy's play toy.

After we both cummed, we thought Snakeboy would be furious. But he was okay because he said the fucking was so hot that he jo and shot a load himself.
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Old 13th October 2003, 12:32 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65
Luck Out

BC called during the week, I cooked up an excuse that I'll be busy for the weekend. Part of it was true because my old lady had some relatives over. But mostly because I wanted to find Bill at the sauna.

Damn, those old bags took too much time to send off. Soon as I could, I slipped off as usual to drinking with my pals. But I went straight to the sauna. Went around but could not find Bill. Found Snakeboy relaxing at the jacuzzi. He seemed worn out.

He waved at me. Maybe he knew something. I sat beside him and he gave me an evil grin.

" Hey stud, you are so very late. Your boy was looking for you."

" Boy? You mean like last week's that guy?" I guess he meant my bottom.

" Yeah, he was asking me to look for you. I can tell he wanted more fucks from you, you stud", he complimented me.But that wink and crooked smile was strange.

"So where was he?" I was anxious.

"Too late. He's gone. Yummm"

"Yumm? Oh fuck, you don't mean..." I was too late.

"Hehe," Snakeboy gave me a kiss that smell of cum. "Yeah, that's him I am giving to you."

"Oh fuck, did you ..." I hate to imagine my Bill being mounted by Snakeboy.

"Did I what?" he was smug like a cat's stolen a big fish.

"Did you fuck him?"

"Hey, I don't kiss and tell. Unlike some stud I know who would fuck his boy for showing off"

"Did you?" I had to know. I was getting jealous somehow.

"You mean what a whore he was? I can see inside his hole and see your cock? Hehe that's for me to know and for you to find out." Shit, he knew I was anxious and enjoyed playing with me like the way he played with my ass.

"I had bad news for you, stud"

Shit, I knew it. Bill probably thought it was alright to offer his ass to Snakeboy because of last week. He thought we were very close buddy since I let Snakeboy watched him get fucked. But tonight was the first time I ever had a long chat with Snakeboy.

"Well, your boy's going home tomorrow."

Oh? No wonder he was new around here. That's the bad news. Worse than I can imagine. I missed the goodbye fuck he wanted.

"Did he leave any phone number?"

"Nope, he don't talk much after sex you know"

"Did he say anything else?"

"Yeah, like ohhhh ooohhh ohhhh", Snakeboy was getting very cheeky like the young man he was.

"Fuck, be serious mate."

"Fuck, I am telling you the truth. That boy was a complete whore. If he open his legs any wider, I could stick my whole head inside. Oh by the way, Steward said hi"

"Steward? I thought he's Bill?"

"No, you dummy. My good friend Steward. The one who had you as his boy last year. From what he told me about your ass, you were as big a whore as Bill. Hahaha"

Oh, that Steward. That fuckhead. Yeah he fucked me twice and never ever let me forget it. Not surprised he told Snakeboy like he told everybodyelse.

"Oh that shithead Steward. Haven't seen him such a long time."

"Yeah, he's got a new man in his life. Tell you a secret. He's the bitch in that relationship." Snakeboy could not resist gossiping like most gays.

"Well, some of us are flexi you know" I offer to explain why some of us changed roles including me.

" I know. I know your ass like being played with like your boy. He wears me out with his ass."

"What did you do to him, you little devil?"

"What can I do when a big man hold up his legs to show me his bubble butt? That hole where many men had found pleasures is all mine. Anyway, I owe you 2 favors. Anytime you want that butt of yours serviced, just drop that towel. Heheh" He stuck a finger up my ass.

" How about now?" I needed some relieve.

"Oops sorry. Not tonight honey. Your boy really worn me out. I gotta go. Next time okay? Or would you like me to get you a top?"

" No thanks."

He was gone. It's really late and the place was emptying out. I went to look around. Few men around. Two bottoms in the rooms with opposite lucks. One's was all wet and sloppy from too many fucks. One man went inside to feel up his butt and told me "too loose and sloppy". On the way out, he brushed my ass to check my availability since I was not checking out asses, I must be putting out my ass myself. I brushed his ass and he backed off.

The other one was not even used once and for obvious reason- his look.

Too late for any action. I was horny but suddenly exhausted for no reason. So I showered and left too.
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Old 21st October 2003, 12:36 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65
Hot Bodied

Last weekend was a total disaster. I got nothing. This weekend I was feeling really horny. Can't really figure out where but my whole body was aching to be touched. I was feeling hot and I knew it was not a good sign. I knew I was going past my sex tolerance and into "bitch in heat" kind of out of control. There's no chance that
I will ever meet Bill again so I don't mind playing bottom this weekend.

I needed a good hard drink but I had to watch myself to not go crazy. It can be dangerous if I got into sex with someone while half drunk where I just don't have the controls.

Anyway a good drink was all I cared about and where I met BC was a good bar to start. Before I even sat down, I spotted BC alone drinking. He spotted me and grinned like a cat saw a fish. To a man who had already fucked me twice, I already knew what he wanted.

He knew what I wanted too. Was I that obvious? Yeah, I should be obvious when I sat next to him without being asked. We may tease each other a little but no need for cruising games. My ass was his to pound for tonight if those funny misses of the past three weeks don't happen tonight. I mean, sex when arranged always went wrong. Bumping into him would be more of a sure thing.

Thinking of our last time when he fucked me for more than 2 hours was making me feeling wet down there. This was not a gay bar otherwise he could just take me immediately over the bar counter. wow this was weird, I felt the need for sex more than the need for a good drink.

" Shall we make a move?" I offered myself.

" Have a drink first. I know you always needed plenty."

"There are things better than a drink. Get it while it's hot."

"Wow, I knew my hard work should pay off. You made me wait 3 weeks for the payback. Now you can't wait?"

We didn't really notice it but the pretty lady beside him was interested in him. I don't know if she knew what was going on but she was listening in on us.

"Like you said, it was good enough to make me panting like a bitch in heat."

"Yeah, you sure were hot as hell inside. Drink up and make it even hotter."

His order of double scotch arrived. I took a quick shot. It felt good and smooth. I felt the heat of the shot flowing around my body. Another few shots, I was feeling swell.

I was about to say the sluttiest things but remembered we were still in a public place. And the lady there was looking suspiciously at us but she couldn't quite understand 2 big guys could be talking about men fucking. I was about to say those f words that left it no doubt that he had fucked me. But I stopped short.

We left her wondering. When we arrived at the motel, he took out a bottle of his good stuff. Expensive as usual. Tonight I was going to get plenty of mansex and drinks, both hard stuff and fantastic.

We made quick cleaning up at the showers. I was already clean and lubed up down there. I told him so and bend over in submission to him. He stuck 2 fingers in for inspection. 2 slaps on the butt and a laugh meant he approved.

Once in bed, I laid on my back with my legs up. I was ready for my fuck and hoped that he won't forget the condom then we need not waste time arguing about safe sex.

He took the bottle and gave me a drink. I took all I could in one big mouthful. Told him I was ready for him.

"No, have some more. I like it better when you are hot as a volcano down there."

"What do you mean hot as a volcano? You mean drinks do that to me?" I thought I was "hot" as in being slutty, not hot as in really temperature hot.

" No serious. Your whole body heats up when you drink. Your ass is even hotter inside where the heat comes from. I've never fucked a pussy as hot as your ass. Your heat goes right through the condom. I can feel your ass right through the condom."

No shit. I never realised that those guys who fingered my ass got excited because of my heat. They said I was hot and now I knew what they really meant. No wonder I tend to get fucked when I was half drunk.

And that explained why he was always buying me drinks ever since we met. Now I was curious. I stuck a finger up my own ass and it sure felt hot. I laughed at my dumbness of not knowing till now.

Well he pulled out my finger and replaced it with his hot cock. Wait a minute, his cock was hot because it was bare!

I pushed him off.

"Hold it, safe sex only remember?"

"Sorry. I was carried away. Oh christsake, it felt too damn good. Can we just do it and I pull out before shooting?"

"No mate, sorry. Do you think you can trust me if I agree?" I was trying to scare him for thinking I was being dirty.

"Sure. I trust you baby. I want to fuck your hot ass with my hot cock."

"No, no way"

He was pushing my legs down my ears and I was too drunk to fight back.

" Come on baby, I wasted a whole bottle on you. Now your ass is mine."

I knew I was dead meat. Long ago, even a little guy could rape me when I was this drunk.

What can I do? Nothing. Might as well enjoy the fuck. Ah, his cock rammed in and I gasped in pain and pleaures. He started his fuck patterns of quick short thrusts followed by deep slow push to the end. After a few moments of the painful thrusts, the pleasures slowly swelled in me, I was totally his to fuck as he please.

He eased his hard hold on me and I still eagerly kept pace with his cock.....
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Old 26th October 2003, 11:07 AM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65
Still Safe Sex

Though I enjoyed letting him pound my ass while I laid on my back, I knew I had to be more active. When he pulled out for a short breather, I turned over for the doggie fuck. I know most men like to mount other men like most farm animals do. Having a strong back, I can really let them ride onto my back as they rammed me like animals. I also could push back hard and we'll see who's stronger.

Sometimes I would relax too much and got rammed forward. This time while I was on all fours, right in front of me were the 2 condoms on the bedside table, shiny new and unopened. His raw cock was so hot inside me. He drank enough to make his body felt very hot too. I enjoyed his raw cock too much to want to use those condoms.

As I looked at the big side miror, there I was with my ass up like a bitch in heat. This stranger that I only knew recently was fucking me. I can see his cock getting in and out of my butt while he was grunting some obscenities at me. I was too high too remember all he said. Mostly man cunt, fuck, pussy things kind of a typical straight guy would talk dirty to a female. I was used to that by now. I said the same things to Bill myself and he loved it.

I wanted to be playful so I took a condom and threw it on my back. Let him decide whether he wanted safe sex. I was feelling too great to want him to stop.

He laughed and slapped my ass. Gave me a few hard ram till the condom fell off my back. I put my hand where his cock was pounding my ass and felt his slippery cock and swinging balls. Knowing him so far, he had a long way to go and the pleasures were only beginning. He grabbed my swing balls and squeezed in reply.

My hand slipped off his balls in pleasurable pain. Then it touched the condom laying on the bed. I threw and hit him with it. It landed back on my back.

" Don't you like being fucked by my raw cock? From your moanings, you must be enjoying it. What a bitch you are in bed. That hot tight hole is so fuckable I am willing to trust that you are clean."

I groaned a little louder in agreement. My mind was totally wanting pleasures from his cock hitting my sweet spot and I cannot think of anythingelse.

"Yeah, fuck me hard. Use me as your bitch."

"I bet you say that to all the men who fucked you, huh?"

I moaned. Just fuck me good, I thought to myself. I don't feel comfortable talking about this kind of things.

Grabbing my ass, he flipped me over. Pushed up my legs and apart, his cock re-entered me. Slooww and then fast and hard as he pounded my sweet spot. He leaned forward to kiss me. We sucked
face. He looked into my eyes and I smiled back. Very important feedback to tell him he's the lord and master over me.

" How many men had fucked your ass? I bet there's plenty."

Sometimes guys ask that without expecting serious reply. It's only idle sex talk like talking about the weather. For the 2 hours together, we had to talk about something at least.

I moaned in reply.

Then he stopped to rip open a condom and rolled it on while I looked surprised.

"I meant what I said about trying it raw. Thanks for the raw fuck but we better play it safe," he said with a wide smile.

Now that I was all worked up, his condom covered cock still felt great. It was 2 hours of fun again as before.
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Old 3rd November 2003, 02:21 AM
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Posts: 65
Embarassing Moments On Mobile phone camera

After last week's sex, BC and I passed the 3 times "relationship" mark. It's all unspoken, his call this weekend was kind of expected. I already cleaned my behind and when his call came, I was there within 1/2 hour.

He was there long before me. All showered and naked in bed with a proud hard on sticking up. I stripped naked. He waved his finger and I bend over to present my ass for his inspection. The usual submission routine. While he fingered it, I took a quick drink from the bottle on the table. Good stuff and great sex later was my idea of heaven.

I got on the bed on all fours for the doggie mount. Ahhh... the pain of his forced entry, I took a big gulp to ease the pain. He pounded hard right away. Soon it felt very good both from my front and back ends.

I looked back to see him when I noticed he was holding his mobile phone as far away as he can. It looked new to me. Then I realised it could be one of those new camera phones advertised everywhere nowadays.

I asked him what he was doing. He said he was taking a pic of himself fucking a big guy. I was not pleased but made no fuss since I was feeling too good.

He slapped my ass and made me turn over to lie on my back. I rested my legs on his shoulders and he rammed his cock back into me. He took his phone and held it far away and took another pic.

This time I was worried because my full face can be seen. I asked him to stop and show me what he was doing. He showed me the pic of me with the slutty look while I was being fucked. It was embarrassing. I knew I would look like that but the pic was too pornographic.

I told him to erase it. He said I have no rights to tell him what to do. I said he had no right to take my naked pic. It's too pornographic. He gave me a few hard pounding in my ass and I moaned. He asked me which was more pornographic? a few small pics or his cock pounding me like a bitch. Yet I was not shy about being pounded by him. Now I was shy about being naked in some pics? Which part of me had he not fucked?

Anyway, he assured me it's for his own private use. It's not easy to keep up an argument with a man while he's fucking you. If I disagree, he'll pound harder till I submit. So I thought I better enjoy the sex for now and think about things later.
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Old 8th November 2003, 01:53 AM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65
Sex Or Rugby?

I was hoping and praying that BC would not call this week. These few weeks are worldcup rugby week. The whole place is going crazy. I've got bets going and so far won a few hundreds $. Saturday evening is the big game and I've got a thousand on bet. The pub will be full and my buddies will expect me to yell for my bets.

But BC called last night. He wanted to fuck me on Saturday night. I told him I'll be at the pub watching the rugby game. He said he'll prefer to fuck one ( We were both players during schooldays). He getting very explicit with his words. That can only mean we are in a kind of relationship though we never discussed it.

I asked if he'lll be watching.. He said that's what the TV in the hotel room is for. He's avoiding to say direct to me that he'll like to watch it with me. I was happy to hear that and agreed to meet him.
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Old 10th November 2003, 01:18 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65
Sweet Victory

This Saturday was the big day. I had to sneak out through the backway to avoid bumping into some neighborhood pals and getting dragged to our usual gathering drinking hole. For me to refuse was to be unheard of and sure to be questions.

We planned to meet early to get warmed up for the game. Got to the hotel and he answered the door in a sexy rugby uniform! In our country's colors too and his stiff cock sticking out from a hole in the front. I was pleasantly surprised. He's as kinky as usual.

I asked him where's mine. I was shocked when he showed me the Scottish uniform. I am no traitor. I even had a thousand dollars bet on. Why was he asking me to wear that? I'll rather be naked than wear that.

"We gotta whup those skirt wearing sissies asses. Do the honour and play your part matey."

So he's going to whup my "Scottish ass". What can I say, I didn't come up with the idea so he's the boss.

The cheap uniform that you'll find being sold everywhere these days seemed of very thin cloth. Mine had a big hole too so I stucked my stiff cock through. But it was really tight at the groins because I was wider than BC down there.

Time to submit my ass for inspection. So I bent over and pulled down the shorts for BC to claim my ass. One finger, then 2 fingers he stucked into me. Oooh felt great as hell. Suddenly he slapped my ass and laughed. I asked him what's wrong?

"You dumb ass. Don't you know?"

Another slap, ouchhh. Then he asked me to put on my shorts. Turn around, bend over and look at us in the mirror, he said. I got the picture. Sheepishly I dropped my shorts and turned it around so that the big hole was round my asshole.

Bent over for his inspection again. He said I was smart. Then he offered me a drink as we got to bed and we talked about the games and our bets. He's got thousands on bet too and we bet almost on the same teams and won money.

Then the game started. I was comfortable in bed watching and forgot about sex. When the first scrum came and he said to play the game with him. We got in the scrum positions. Well my tight shorts splitted because it was weakened by the hole. He laughed and called me a scottish whore. Then he rammed his condomed cock into my well lub hole.

Ouch. During school days the girls told me that we looked like we were having sex during the scrum. Now I knew why. It only took a split shorts for one man to ram into another. Actually we never had any hardons or think of sex during a game because there's no time for thinking that.

He scrum fucked me slow and quick while we still watched the game in that position.
Wow, enjoying 3 of my best things at the same time was unbelievably hot. Everytime the scots get close to scoring, he screamed "fuck!" at them and I got whuped harder. Everytime we came close to scoring, he also fucked me harder. Either way I got good sex and can scream and yell from the excitement of the game mixed with intense pleasure. I told him I'll cum soon. He's fucking me to heaven. Looked like hes going to score the first point against the scots.

He flipped over on my back and pulled out my cock. While insulting the scots, he fucked me hard and quick. We were both sweating like we were playing sports. Soon my white cum of surrender came flying out, landing on the scots uniform.

Soon he too was shooting his load. Yet none of the teams scored. We settled back onto the bed to watch the game.

When the 2nd half started we were rested and all ready for more action. When we won the game, I was happy to be defeated by him a 2nd time. We were both richer. What a game and what a night of sex and booze.
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Old 23rd November 2003, 12:58 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65
Partying Over

I thought we'll be partying on non-stop since last 2 weeks ago when we kept on winning at the RWC. Too happy partying to come back to write about it here for a long while. Well it all stopped with a weird quietness when We lost at the final.

Last 2 weeks was sex, booze, party, money rolling in. I can hardly keep my head straight. We beat the Scots, I got fucked good. We beat the Kiwis, I got fucked even harder. I was so happy getting pounded by BC. Like hot blooded sportsmen, he sure get excited over a good game and when he fucked like he plays game, wow my ass felt like burnt rubber. I was sore and happy.

Other nights when we don't meet for sex, I return to my regular places and enjoyed the booze and game talks with my pals. Everywhere there seemed to be parties going on. I got stoned and ended up at the sauna where everybody was starting up orgies. Even at the video room, the guys who were usually doing it secretive, now there were guys having orgies and fucking each other. Though I was sore, I had to let them pull off my towel and joined in the fun. Cocks, hands, asses were everywhere. I fucked a few. A few mounted me but I pushed them off because I was sore and it was painful when their cocks entered me.

I've never seen the saunas so happening before. The older and out-of-shaped-gents were having the best times of their lives. After having to guard my sore ass from being penetrated, I asked an old gent to rim me so as to keep it away from cocks. I needed the warm tongue massaging to relieve the pain. Of course he took my cock too like everybodyelse did.

We were so sure of winning the final, BC even agreed to meet only after the game. Our pals were really asking too many qestions about our disappearing acts. They know I would never miss watching it with them for anythingelse in the world. It's nice to hug and punch around when we roared at good and bad plays. If only they knew watching it and getting pounded was even more enjoyable. Golly, why do I have this strange erotic vision of me being naked and holding up my legs on the bar counter where where my pals were scoring and pounding my ass. This felt horrible like incest?

The final was so exciting till the very end that we were like a bunch of crazy monkeys yelling all the time. Then when the sudden lost at the final seconds, there was silence. Nobody could believe it. I was stunned too.
BC called to cancel the sex.

We were so sure. BC even said he would do the craziest sex with me when we won tons of money. I was even prepared to get fucked barebacked.
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Old 26th November 2003, 12:49 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65
Boring Times

This is killing me. After 2 weeks of sex, booze and party, how can I accept all this quietness? BC called last night to say he'll be out for business for 3 weeks! What a fucking bad timing. Yeah right, pound me silly for 2 weeks and get me addicted then leave my ass high and dry.

I don't think I can wait 3 weeks. The sore had gone and there's a soft ring of puffed-up flesh left. This ring of flesh was really sensitive to touch. I was hoping to show BC this. It's his mark of having fucked me so hard.

Having fingered myself and getting the urge, I had to get fucked real bad. But I had to not get drunk and lose control like I did before. The cruising places seemd quite empty these few days. So I went to the sauna and it's also quite empty. Those orgies of last weeks seemed like they never happened. I half wished that there'll be an orgy and I could get fucked without acting submissive to hook a top.

Now that the crowd was so thin I can guess that maybe there's 3 tops out of about 13 guys here. 3 bottoms were already at the cubicles with their asses facing the door. One lucky bottom just got lucky but the top closed the door and we only hear the pounding sounds and the heavy breathing.

I must be feeling desperate because I was actually making eye contacts with the 2 tops as they passed the video room. But then I tried hard to stare at the porn so they did not make any moves. The closeups of the bossy coach getting fucked by a college kid made me felt wet down there. I tried to catch the story to distract myself. The earlier scene showed the principal being fucked by this coach? I liked the coach because he was versatile like me and the same hair style too. When they closed up on his ass, I saw a fleshy ring also around his ass after the student pulled out.

Next video was boring so I went to look around. Seemed like the 2 tops had taken their bottoms because 3 rooms were closed and the rest don't seem to be interested in each other. I got a few eye contacts but tonight I was looking for a top. One nice looking older gent came to chat. Though we beat around the bush, he knew I was looking for a top when I hinted that the groaning noise from the bottom in one cubicle sounded like he's having more fun than the rest of us.

Slow night seemed to get even slower. Might as well carry on the chat. It's like common misery that made us want to share our experiences. Then he got bolder and since I'll be getting nothing, why don't I let him rim my ass. He was the same gent who rimmed me last week. I was too drunk to remember but now I thought I remembered a little. He did a good job then. Since we were at the back raised platform, I only needed to remove my towel and he sat lower down. I put my legs on his shoulders and he licked my ass. It felt good.

He said he was glad to see my bloody looking sore had healed and he had helped. This new ring of flesh was soft and sensitive. Whoever fucked me must be like a tiger. It must be worth it like I said just now.

Oh shit, he's getting to know more about me than I thought possible. This old guy was wise indeed. He seemed to read my thoughts also. He smiled and said my secrets were safe with him. I can trust him. He's like a gay agony uncle to many guys.

Well, he looked like some kind grandpa in his 60's with very well groomed silver hair and toothy smile. I was only curious when I asked to look at his cock. Well, it looked small at 4-5in and not totally hard. He said that's the result of medication he took. With viagra, he can be a top too. I told him that's not why I looked at his cock.

Like any gay, he too boasted that when younger he used to fuck many men brutally too. Big masculine guys like me were the best fuck because we will only submit to good tops otherwise we would be tops ourselves. He knew we don't want others to know we get fucked.

Well, he guessed my top must be out of town otherwise who could resist fucking a hot tight hole like mine. It's scary how he could get most things right. He tried to get his tongue into my hole but he's not as strong as Snakeboy. He tried to use 2 fingers instead but I stopped him. He said I could imagine I was being fucked by my top. I thought if I did that then I could be aroused so badly that I will do anything to find a top. I hated doing that.

I told him to keep rimming and stop poking. I was not interested in sex with him or anyone. Then he started to lick my balls and moved up to my cock. His sucking skills was only average. I pushed into his throat and he gagged. Well most tops were lousy suckers but good rimmers.

Since he gagged so hard I suggested we stop for him to catch his breath. He agreed gladly. I asked him if he had been fucked before. He laughed and turned around to show me his ass. I asked him why. He said if I can't tell then I don't deserve to be a top. Obviously he was fucked all the time and liked it too. Of course if he can fuck a guy like me would bring back his younger days where he could seduce sexy men and fucked them crazy.

If I liked I could fuck him too. He would loved that. I told him I was not in that mood tonight. It was getting late and I had to get going soon. All this time my cock stayed hard and he licked off my precum. He looked determined to swallow me whole. He tried again and still gagged hard and almost threw up.

I almost pitied him and told him to stop but rimmed me instead. Sheepishly he told me the lotion that I used to lub my ass was leaking out and they tasted bad to him. He would prefer the sweet manly smell of the last time. Ahh, I forgot about that. He certainly knew I lub because I was prepared to get fucked and hated the pain of the initial penetration. He sounded sheepish because he was afraid I would be embarrassed.

Well, I was really embarrassed and speechless. The pain of penetration seemed so personal how could I even talk about it. But most tops would want me to show the pain explicitly by my facial agony and groaning so I lub very lightly. But tonight I lubbed very heavy dose because I don't want to show the pain to a stranger and let him enjoy my submission.

He advised me to lub lightly because most tops like to feel the initial resistance and watch the bottom pay the price for their stud services. Too much lub makes an ass sloppy and feel used. I already knew that.

He saw the embarrassment on my face and laughed. He said my expressions reminded him of a married man he fucked long ago. That man was a virgin and old guy seduced him. The first time old guy deflowered him, the man was screaming of pain. He had to stop to calm him down. He had to show him in the mirror that he was already all the way in and the embarrassment on that man's face was priceless. They used to fuck raw in the past. He pumped that man with so much cum, when he walked, the cum dripped down his legs mixed with some faint trace of blood. That guy was his 3rd lover from then on.

This was getting too much. My embarrassment seemed to be exciting him. I tried to break the ice by asking him what lub tasted good. He laughed again. There's plenty of flavors if I looked in abs. For him the best would be light lub to retain the clean soapy musky scent of a man. It took him weeks to teach his 3rd lover to enjoy getting fuck but he sure enjoyed breaking in a new bottom. Again he went back to that embarrassing topic.

I excused myself and went to shower. He followed. I still had my hard on when I showered. He told me to clean off the lub thoroughly because if it leaked to my underwear, my wife would be asking questions. The best way was to take a dump. I tried but nothing came out. I tried washing it off. He was watching me. He told me to bend over so he can wash me deeper. I held onto the pipe and bend down. He fingered me with soap and lots of water.

Just then someone walked in and just stared. I straightened up quickly. Old guy stuck a finger into me and smelled. He said I was cleaned. I gave him the look to say he better keep his mouth shut. He did and we parted.
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Old 29th November 2003, 04:02 AM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65

Almost everybody I know lost money. I lost quite a sum so this Christmas will be tough. But 2 of my pals went in deeper than any of us. It's way past pay up time and they were desperate. Last night I was early at the bar to lend them some "borrowed" from the family account. It's not enough but they knew I don't have much anyway. My old lady will be mad when she finds out.

I don't mind them taking the money and run. They looked pale and frightened. Just last week we were singing and partying all night. Now there are people after them.

Being so early, the bar was almost empty. Then that old guy from the sauna walked in. I knew it cannot be coincidental. He's not local. He from another city and here for the RWC games and business? Plenty of those guys last week. I had accidentally mentioned watching the games from this bar. I downed my drink and hoped to avoid been seen by him as I leave. With an empty bar, he saw me immediately. I walked out and he followed.

We turned the corner and I walked on to a nearby park. I sat down and he followed. I asked him what he wanted. He said seeing me made him dream of his younger days last night. And how was I feeling?

I said fine. He said he meant down there. Did anybody satisfy me last night? I said none of his business. He said he can tell that I was still frustrated? I said I don't know him so buzz off old man. I walked off and he still followed. I showed him the knuckles, he smiled.

I can't get home with him following me like that. I sat down, he sat down. He said he liked talking to me. Yeah I know, he liked talking about his ex-lovers. If we were at his city, I bet he would not talk so freely. Out of town, he felt safe to as naughty as he liked.

I told him the street where he can find young hustlers he can fuck all he want. He said he knew that and he had done that already. He prefered some company now.

I said what made him think I was free company? He said name a price. I said $5000. Ridiculous amount to make him shut up. He laughed. That's the going rate for fresh meat. He said, no offense but my merchandise looked badly bruised to him. I know I was supposed to be angry for that put down. But then, he did see it closeup. No point being coy like a pansy.

So if he's not buying, don't bother me, alright matey? He raised 3 fingers. I said 3 thousands? No, he said $300. That's another put down. I said, look you don't have to be insulting. He said pay him $300 and I can fuck him as insultingly as I want. I ignored him.

He said my cock was tenting my trousers. Was I aroused ? I ignored him. He said a few sorries. But he had taken viagra tonight. He said his doctor told him to watch the viagra because of his mild heart condition. I thought he looked quite trim and fit. Must be another sympathy story of his. Sure enough, he said I should not make him waste what he had risked for.

I was not buying that cock and bull story. But I was curious how effective this viagra thing was. I said don't have any funny ideas but I am curious about viagra. He pulled me to a thick bushy place and let me looked. Wow, that smallish cock must have gown to almost 7in and thicker too. Not as hard as mine or BC's though.

He said he can satisfy me. I laughed at his face, that's my put down. He said he knew a hustler who's very good fucking skills. He said he could pay that hustler to fuck me. I'll get paid too. There must be something about this guy that he just don't give up. He looked too slick like some CEO to be such a DOM. I said $5000 then. He laughed again. I guessed he's saying he's no sucker. Of course I knew there were some "straight" or bi guys who would put out for a couple of hundreds. $5000 was unheard of. This old guy certainly wasn't born yesterday. Heck, he probably knew the market rates better than I do.

I asked him why the hell he wanted me for. Is it the excitement of the chase? I was no fresh meat for golly sake. Certainly no match for those cheap young hustlers.

He said the way I looked embarrassed last night was so alike his 3rd lover.

Let me guess, he died of Aids?

No, he died of a car accident. The sports car that he bought for him.

Even if that's true, I won't believe him. So much cock and bulls I had heard before too.

Either he's a good actor or what but he seemed all teary eyed. Why should I care? He's talking about fucking me, for christsake. This was no love story. I could never stand those soppy sissy tales. Too mushy for me.

I told him to cut it out. I'm not buying any of that. $5000 would solve his problem nicely, I said. Well he can afford it, right matey?

He just said he could but he would rather not. I said $5 or $5000, what's the diff? It's just money and sex. Just imagine it's pocket change for his ex-lover.

He said I certainly did bargain better than a pro. Oh fuck, what was I doing? I was suddenly embarrassed. He suddenly cried, that look, that look!

He rushed to hug me tight. I was stunned speechless. Before I knew it, his hands were unbuckling my trousers and pulled them down. Then he had one finger in me.

It slipped in easily because I had lubed myself just in case. Alright, I was still horny after last night of non-action.

He pulled out his finger and sexily licked it. Mmm, a man's taste. He whispered in my ears, I knew you would be lubed a ready for a man to take you to heaven. You got it big boy, bend over and let daddy give you that $5000 fuck. You deserve it. My face was beet red and speechless.

Something made me snap out of it. Maybe the sound from somewhere nearby I seemed to hear. I pushed him away.

I awkwardly said, sorry, never mind what I said just now. I gotta go. I pulled up my pants and hurriedly walked off. He was too naked to follow.
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